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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 2

Just because he accomplished nothing, just because he was a wimp and a son-in-law in the family.

Hearing his daughters weak, heart-wrenching voice, Maximilian clenched his fist and said “I'Il raise the money."

Hearing this, Victorias pupils dilated and her heart trembled slightly in shock as she stared at Maximilians back.

lt turned out that he had the look of a man.

Maximilian turned around and gave a serious look at Victoria, who immediately turned her head away to wipe her tears, before he left the hospital amid the reprimands of the crowd.

“Samuel, Maximilian is simply too unbridled!”

“Grandpa, how dare this wimp disobey youf”

The Griffith family, at the moment, were fanning the flames.

Samuel just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Could Maximilian raise so much money?


Victoria watched Maximilians back as he left, feeling helpless.

Although she was the granddaughter of the Griffith family, the financial power was in her mother's hands, and this time it was an order from her grandpa. Even if she had some savings, she couldn't take it out.

At the entrance of the bank, Maximilian stood together with Gene Williams who was tall and thin. Gene put two hundred thousand RMB he had taken out into a cloth bag, and said.

“Take it first. There's no rush to return it to me.”

Maximilian took the bag, tears glistening with gratitude, and said

“Gene, | will pay you back as soon as possible!”

“Hey, what are you saying? We are friends."

Gene patted Maximilians shoulder and said with a smile.

“Gene, if you dare to lend him the money, | won't marry you”

Suddenly, a petulant chortle came from a beautifully dressed woman, carrying a bag and approaching aggressively.


She came up and gave Maximilian a slap on his face, pointing at his nose and scolding him,

“Maximilian, you're really shameless. How many times have you asked my Gene to lend you money!

l'm ashamed for you if you re not ashamedl”

“Emmie, what are you doing?”

Gene got anxious and tugged at the fuming Emmie.

This woman was Genes girlfriend. She had a beautiful face, a good figure, but she aimed too high and was arrogant. She was a kind of snobbish person.

“What am I doing? Gene, l'm warning you. lÍ you dare to lend him money, Ì worft marry you!”

Emmie shook off Gene's hand, held her chin high, and wrapped her arms around her chest.

Naturally, a large crowd had gathered at the door.Gene desperately tried to explain.

“Emmie, Sissi ¡is hospitalized with leukemia and needs money urgently...'

“Is better for that girl to die! Anyway, why are you helping an enlisted wimp who craft even acknowledge his own daughter?"Emmie spoke harshly.

Maximilian squeezed his hand holding the cloth bag, then loosened it, and stuffed the cloth bag into Gene's hand, and said with a smile.

“Gene, that's okay. [II attend your wedding later.”

After saying that, Maximilian turned around and left the place at a quickened pace.

Behind him came Genes shouting over and over again, as well as the sound of his quarrel with Emmie.

Walking down the street, Maximilian felt miserable and did not know what he should do.

At that exact moment, Victorias phone call came, calling him back to the hospital.

After thinking about it, Maximilian reentered the hospital and met Victoria who was nervous and flustered at the entrance.

She ran over and handed Maximilian a bank card, saying.

“There's over two hundred thousand here that | secretly saved, so just tell them you borrowed it."

Maximilian took the card and looked at the exquisite beauty with delicate features in front of him, and his heart suddenly warmed up.Victoria was kind and gentle as usual.But he made her suffer grievance for four years.

“Victoria, I... Maximilian choked up a little, never feeling more defeated than he did now.

Ever since Victoria married him, she had long lost her aura of being the Griffith family's daughter and had become a laughing stock in the mouths of people.

Victoria sucked her nose and said aggressively,"I just don't want Sissi to lose her dad.”

Maximilianrs lips trembled slightly as he said,“Thanks, | worft let you and Sissi down.”

“Oh, sure enough, Grandpa is right. He knows that you will try to give this loser money!”

Suddenly, Franklin emerged from the side at this moment and said with a cold smile and sneer in the corner of his eyes.Franklin thought they were screwed.

Maximilians eyebrows clustered as he watched Franklin leaving and Victoria being impatient. Then he said softly,

“Don't worry, I'll take it alone.”

Inside the ward, Samuel sternly criticized Victoria, and the card was naturally put away by Laura, his mother-in-law, who scolded, “You are rubbish! How dare you ask my daughter for money? What a loser!"

Victoria tried to say something and was directly glared at by Laura.

All the Griffiths followed to spew curses and criticize Maximilian to the hilt.

Suddenly! A weak shout caused the crowd to freezel

“Daddy! Dont scold my daddy......”

On the hospital bed, Sissi whimpered, her big eyes were filled with crystal teardrops.



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