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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 216

The atmosphere quickly became hostile, and no one dared to move or utter a word as K clutched onto his side while choking on his blood.

"What the hell have you done!" Rome screamed, finally getting over his shock and realizing that his bodyguard had just taken a bullet to the stomach for him.

Ignoring his remark, Axel fixed his cold gaze directly on Rome's angry expression. Then he frowned at Rome with the gun pointed directly at him and calmly said, "It's time to be your father's payment for redemption."

Abruptly, the sudden sound of a silver vehicle speeding into the parking lot drew everyone's attention, and before Axel could get out of the way, the car bumped into him, sending him a few feet forward before he fell over to the floor.

The gun in his hands slid towards Rome, stopping a few feet away from him. But he didn't pay any mind to it because was busy focusing on K, holding him tightly in his arms so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

"Damon, get him to the car," Rome shouted. "Orlando, get him out of here now and take him to the nearby hospital."

Swaying his gaze off his driver, Rome looked down at Axel on the floor and grimaced, suppressing his urge to kill him with every last bit of strength in his body.

Hurriedly, Damon walked over to Rome, and took K out of his arm, assisting him towards the car.

Once K was safely in the car, and Mr. Orlando had driven off, Rome looked at Axel and his men, lying on the dirty floor of the parking lot.

At that moment, the silver vehicle driver's door opened, and Scar stepped down from the car.

Then he gazed at Rome with a touch of concern and said, "Boss, are you okay?"

As Rome was about to speak, he noticed Axel waking from the floor and struggling to his feet.

Suddenly, Scar's eyes widened as he shouted, "Boss, watch out, he has another gun!"

Not sparing a second, Rome hastily slid to the floor, rolled over, and grabbed the pistol, aiming it towards Axel.

Before Axel could pull his trigger, he felt a sharp pain hit his chest, and his fingers weakened on the gun.

It took a split second for him to collapse to the ground, groaning out the pain as his shirt grew wet with blood.

" Scar, get his ass out of here and carry him to the hospital!" Rome said, feeling frustrated with how messy everything had become.

"Yes, boss!" Scar hastily uttered before rushing over to Axel.

Swaying his gaze off Scar, Rome frowned at Axel's men bruised up on the floor and then said, "Jon, Hazard, and Tan, handle these guys!"

Then something suddenly clicked in his mind, and he remembered that he dropped his phone when Axel shot K.

For a moment, Rome gazed around. Then his eyes landed on his phone, and he rushed towards it.

After picking his phone off the ground, Rome saw the call was still going, so he hastily placed the phone to his ear, and said, "Babe!.... Catherine."

"Boss, is that you?" Blaze's voice echoed from the phone speaker.

"Where is Catherine? Is everything okay?!"

"Ma'am fainted, and we are driving her to the hospital."

"Send me the address of the hospital I'm on my way to you guys!"

"Okay, boss!"

An hour later, Rome arrived at the hospital address that Blaze sent him, and the moment he walked into the doctor's office, he stopped in his tracks when he heard her say, "You fainted due to shock. But the good news is, your result is back, and you are eight weeks pregnant Mrs. Ford, according to the information that I have."

"She's what!" Rome mumbled out loud, swallowing hard as he stood at the doorway.

Taking her gaze off Catherine's tears-stained face, the doctor smiled at Rome and said, "Aha, I see Mr. Ford is here. I was just telling your wife that she is two months pregnant. You guys are going to be parents."

"I'm pregnant?" Catherine finally whispered, darting her gaze left and then right. "But, I don't feel anything."

"Having no pregnancy symptoms at eight weeks is totally normal. So don’t worry if you’re not feeling too different yet. I promise, soon you will! Also, At eight weeks pregnant, showing a bit can be normal, but not showing, is also natural too!"

"So I'm really pregnant."

"That's exactly what your result statement says. So yes, congratulations! You are going to be a mother."

Unable to express the several emotions coursing through her, Catherine simply stared at the doctor with tears swelling in her eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad?" Rome mumbled, feeling overcome with a sense of joy like nothing he had ever felt before. "I am going to be a father!!!"

Chapter Ninety-Four 1


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