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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 219

Pushing her hair behind her ear, Catherine smiled broadly. Then she looked to stare upward into Rome's eyes when he hugged her from the back.

"Look who's tummy is getting bigger," Rome whispered as his manly hands gently rested on her stomach.

"I can't believe he's already spent twelve-week in my stomach," Catherine whispered, gazing at her reflection in the mirror.

"He? Our baby is a she. Daddy little princess." Rome softly uttered.

At first, Catherine pouted a bit. Then she chuckled and mumbled, "Should we do one of those fancy babies' gender reveal parties because at this point everyone seems to have their opinions about our baby's gender."

As Rome was about to speak, a soft knock echoed on the bedroom door and K's voice sounded into the room, "Good morning, boss."

"Morning, pal. What is it?" Rome called out?

"Scar just informed me that Axel's result is in. The doctor tried calling you, but you are not picking up."

"Yeah, that's because my phone is on silent. I will be with you in a few minutes!"

After k footsteps faded away from the door, Rome focused back on Catherine, kissed her head, and said, "I will be back soon, okay?"

"Mmh," Catherine mumbled beneath her breath as she turned around in his arms.

Then she tiptoed to reach his lips, gently kissed him, and whispered, "Love you!"

"Love you more," Rome said, gently grabbing Catherine by her waist, drawing her into his arms.

When Rome came downstairs, he saw the housekeepers bringing in a bunch of boxes into the house and carrying it upstairs.

At that moment, he saw Mr. Ford, approaching him from the opposite direction.

"Dad, what is all this!" Rome asked in disbelief.

"Preparation for my grandbaby!" Mr. Ford said with excitement echoing in his voice.

"You know that Catherine is only three months pregnant, right! And we don't even know the gender of the kid yet!"

"Who cares if my grandchild is a boy or a girl! Plus, I bought gender-neutral colors, so it doesn't matter."

Sighing, Rome rubbed his temper and then inhaled softly before mumbling, "Dad, I didn't want to tell you this so early this morning. But Catherine and I are moving out before the baby gets born."

"What!" Mr. Miller shouted, stopping in his tracks as he stood in the hallway. "You are taking our daughter-in-law and grandbaby from us!"

"Look, guys, please do not make this a big deal. You two are welcome to visit any time, okay?" Rome calmly uttered.

"Hell, no! It's not okay! You can not make us used to this life and then rip it away from us!" Mr. Ford angrily uttered.

Knowing that this was an argument that would last longer than he wanted, Rome turned away from his fathers and said, "I got to go."

"Don't you dare walk away!" Mr. Miller screamed, watching Rome head out the door.

After reaching his car, Rome smiled as he stared at K. Then he tapped him on the shoulder and said, "I'm glad you are back on your feet like old times."

"Me too, boss." K heartily said.

The corridor of the Louis Cardinals hospital was swamped with police officers when Rome walked into the lobby with K closely behind him. Then both men made their way to the private ward.

When Rome entered Axel's room a moment later, a faint smile surfaced on his face as their eyes locked.

Then he looked at the doctor and said, "I'm ready for the result."

For a moment, the doctor stared at Amara, Rome, K, Brook, Blaze, and Scar. Then he opened the envelope and said, "Well, there's not much to confirm here that you guys don't already know. Anyways, according to the test result, you two are blood relatives."

That news didn't come as a shock to anyone and the doctor wasn't surprised in the slightest.

"I will take my leave now since my work here is done." He calmly uttered before leaving the room.

Epilogue 1


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