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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 217

After bringing his car to a stop in front of the St Louis Cardinals hospital, Rome pushed the door open and raced into the building.

When he got to the waiting room, Amara was pacing back and forth with a look of fear in her eyes and plaster on her arm.

The moment she saw Rome, she rushed to him and cried out, "My blood is not compatible with his. You have to help him out, please!!!"

"How are Axel and I related?!" Rome lashed out, unable to contain his anger and eagerness for the truth.

"He's your first cousin, Rome! Your uncle's first son! Mr. Ford's oldest brother's child! And also, my father's firstborn."

"You are lying!"

There was a long pause because Rome didn't understand what he was feeling, and at last, he sighed and mumbled, "My father told me nothing about having a sibling."

"That's because Mr. Ford and our father fell out a long time ago before we were born since your father stole what rightfully belongs to my father as the eldest son!! He ransacked the Fords' wealth from our dad!" Amara said with anger glowing in her eyes.

"That can't be true!"

"Well, it is. And when my father hit rock bottom, he came back home to ask your father for help. But your dad killed him instead to claim the entire Ford's riches for himself! Taking away our father at the time we needed him the most!"

"No! No! That can not be right."

"Your father killed our father in cold-blooded fashion because of the Ford family's wealth! That's why my brother and I want to take everything from you and Catherine because you guys don't deserve it!"

It grew awfully quiet between Rome and Amara and after a few more minutes of silence between them, the operation room door finally opened.

The moment the doctor walked out of the room, Amara was the first one to approach him.

“How’s my brother?” Amara impatiently asked.

It took a moment of silence as he stared at Amara with pity in his eyes. Then he said, "We need to find a blood donor quickly, or else, he wouldn't make it through the night."

"Okay then, test him," Amara said, pointing her finger at Rome.

Staring in shock, the doctor looked at him and asked, "Mr. Ford, do you have a relation with Axel?"

"We are about to find out." Rome calmly uttered, frowning slightly. "Let's do the test. I want to know how compatible our blood is, and while you are at it, I need you to do a Y Chromosome Test. I want to know how true it is that Axel is my cousin."

"How about you ask your father! Hopefully, he will be less of a liar and be truthful this time." Amara cold mumbled, narrowing her eyes at Rome.

Sighing, the doctor wanted no part of what was going on between the two of them, so he looked at Rome and said, "Please come with me, Mr. Ford."

For a moment, Rome stared at Amara. Then he hesitated for a moment before walking away with the doctor.

As the afternoon was becoming evening, Rome and Blaze silently sat in the car while he drove.

Staring away from the road for a moment, he gazed at his boss and said, "So, Axel…"

"I don't want to talk about it. Just take me to Richard." Rome said with his eyes dark and cold.

A few minutes later, Blaze brought the car to a stop in front of a warehouse, and Rome got out of the car.

Then he walked towards the building with Blaze quietly following behind him, knowing that shit was going to get ugly pretty fast.

When they arrived at the door, Rome pushed it open, and the force he used sent the door slamming against the wall.

The sound made Richard stare at him. Then fear coursed through him when he and Rome's eyes met.

“What are you going to do?” Richard mumbled, struggling to break free from the chains that were around his hand.

Ignoring his question, Rome rubbed his nose and sniffed, then rolled up his sleeve and scowled.

"This is for turning my wife over to those bastards and endangering her life, and our baby's life!" Rome coldly uttered.

At that moment, a wave of intense emotion coursed through him, and he felt furious.

Staring at the ceiling, Rome's bottom lip trembled as the tightness in his chest became suffocating.

Then he folded his fingers into a fist and swung it at Richard's right jaw, causing his head to rotate to the left.

Watching from a few distances away, Blaze's eyes continued twitching every time Rome landed a punch at Richard.

The scream of his cries echoed in the warehouse and his hand kept going left and right with each movement of Rome's fists.

After a couple of minutes had passed, Blaze rushed over to Rome, grabbed his wrist before his fist could slam into Richard's bloody face.

"You not a murderer, boss. Don't be one now." Blaze said, staring at Richard's swollen shut eyes.

The mansion had never been so lively as it was that evening. The laughter of Mr. Miller and Mr. Ford could be heard echoing through the walls.

"Are you sure you don't want more to eat?" Mr. Miller asked as he smiled at Catherine.

Staring at the feast before her, Catherine couldn't help wondering who else was eating with them, even though she knew Mr. Miller made the meals for only her.

"No, thank you, father. But I think I might spit up if I put any more food in my belly." Catherine softly uttered with a distracted mind.

Frowning at Mr. Miller, Mr. Ford met his eyes and said, "Can you stop feeding her food before you upset her and our grandbaby!"

"I just want to nourish her healthy food! Who knows if that rascal was treating her well!" Mr. Miller uttered, snapping his brows into a frown.

Smiling softly, Catherine gazed at the both of them and said, "Axel actually didn't hurt me. I don't know why he would want to hurt Rome though."


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