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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 187

"If Rufus does marry you, then you will no longer be my ex, but my sister-in-law!" Lionel laughed out loud. "But...I'm not sure whether that will go down too well with daddy dearest. Rufus would just do it to spite him anyway."

Lionel had a sinister smile on his face. He gazed at Cassandra meaningfully, satisfied to see her stiffen instantly.

She felt a stab to her heart. 'Would Horace accept her? What about the Tangs?'

Rufus and she were in the awkward status now. She once hoped to get the blessings from the two families, but would that be possible?

Her father Vermon, had no idea of her love life, being stuck in prison. Edith, her mother, would never approve of anything she did. And Cloris, her sister, kept being hostile towards her.

Besides, just imagine how the Tangs would react! Jill never liked her, seeing her as a gold digger. She knew for the fact that Cassandra married into the Tang family for commercial benefit of the Qins. The Lady of the Tangs was always looking down her nose at her. She was such a pompous, pretentious woman, believing that only certain people had the right to breath in her oxygen.

Horace, never accepted her as part of the family. The day Cassandra's father was imprisoned, he showed his intense indifference towards her. Then it dawned on her, she would never truly be accepted by the Tangs.

And Lionel... In the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong man, she had started a tragic life. He had ruined all her fantasy of marriage for her. Her thoughts about marriage and relationships, had become practical. Not that she didn't want the fantasy, it just felt as though it was unattainable.

If it weren't for Rufus, what would have happened to her? Her knight in shining armor, came to her rescue. The thoughts of his strong beefy physique, warm smile, strong heartbeats and stunning eyes made her legs all wobbly.

"I won't regret my relationship with him. Rufus has never minced his words about marriage. But it didn't worry me; even if we never get married, I am content to just be with him."

Reminiscently her thoughts wondered, as a smile developed on her lips.

Marriage? She never had a marriage, it was just a trade. Neither she nor Lionel had the choice and they weren't happy at all. She was done with marriage. When she thought she was stuck in her tragic marriage, then Rufus came into her life, and all of it changed. He was everything she ever wanted in a man. Being with the man who cared and loved her was all she had ever wanted. What else could she ever ask for?

"Cassandra, you will definitely regret, not knowing Rufus's true colours. He seems charming but there's another side," shouted Lionel. "That's rich coming from you, Lionel," sneered Cassandra. "I really just don't care."

Lionel was still not happy that Rufus had to come and scratch in his salad. It made him curious and all the more irritated, having not imagined Cassandra would even give up marriage only to be with Rufus.

"Well, I've never even said a word of 'regret' about our marriage, and you know that. How should I regret over anything else?"

Cassandra scoffed, trying to get her bearings together.

It was life, anyway! Everything in her past made her who she was today. And she was happy to move along now. Cassandra remembered someone once said," Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."

"So you trust him, with all of your heart?"

Lionel started challenging again, with even more of a gloomy on his face.

"Lionel, who are you trying to kid, you are with Ivy. You should know better, that's love! "Well, don't waste your breath anymore. I will go to the ball only as a Qin and won't take a partner,"

Cassandra snapped.

"Oh well, quite impressive, Cassandra, I will wait and see how the Qin Group ends up," Lionel stated. Then slamming his hand on the table, he got up and left enraged.

Pressing her temples, Cassandra had a slight headache starting the side of her head; she was happy he had eventually left, a bitter smile crept onto her face.

What a strange person Lionel was! All the words he said during the whole span of their marriage, were less than what he said after their divorce. Moreover, he deliberately created difficulties for her from time to time.


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