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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 188

Cassandra was still shocked. It took a while before it wore off and she was able to pull herself together. At the side, Stella crossed her hands and raised them to her chest.

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Cassandra? I'm your best friend and I can't believe you keep secrets from me! But please accept my best wishes. It's lucky of you to find a sweet and handsome boyfriend in such a short time! I hope he can heal your wound. It was romantic of him to announce you as his girlfriend to the whole world! How I envy you!" Stella chatted non-stop.

Her face showed an expression of admiration, especially that she didn't have a boyfriend at the moment.

Cassandra curled her lips. She looked at the photo again before she averted her eyes to Stella, not knowing whether to laugh or cry about the situation.

She thought hard how to explain everything to Stella. If she chose to say that Dylon and her pretended to be lovers to get Lyndsy out of trouble, then she would have to explain why and open up about what happened to Lyndsy. And it was impossible to elaborate the entire story in just a few words.

While Cassandra was thinking hard on how to explain the entire situation to her friend, Stella just talked and talked.

"When will that silly goose spontaneously do something like that? Will I ever experience something like that in my life? If he can act like your boyfriend, I'll sure be jumping at it!" Stella muttered.

The serious and depressed expression on her face made Cassandra part her lips with an abortive attempt at a laugh.

Cassandra knew exactly who she was talking to. It was Victor, who always followed Rufus like his shadow wherever he went.

Victor had left a good impression on Cassandra. He might not talk much and always showed a cold exterior. But he was a good man, responsible and very considerate of others.

Cassandra lightly bumped Stella on the shoulder with a teasing smile on her face.

"Since he's as silly as a goose, you can be more enthusiastic. It's okay for a girl to pursue a boy nowadays. It's not a big deal as long as you two can be happily together," she suggested.

As far as she was concerned, it was impossible for Victor to take the first step. So Cassandra knew she had to encourage Stella to take the initiative.

"I don't know. It might be embarrassing to ask him to be my boyfriend. And call me old fashioned, but I believe the man should take the first step!" Stella grumbled at the thought.

She suddenly felt down and was unable to continue with her yoga session. She lay flat on her back on the mat and stretched out on all fours.

"Don't be depressed! You'll be together when the time is right and it really doesn't matter who says the three magic words first," Cassandra continued to try and cheer her up.


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