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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 191

At this point, she could no longer pretend she wasn't bothered by Rufus's indifference. The anger that had accumulated over the past few weeks broke out. She felt like she was better than Cassandra in every possible way and made a more suitable match for Rufus. Yet, Rufus kept ignoring her!

"Amanda, consider this a warning. Do not speak badly about Cassandra in front of me. This is the last time I'm telling you this."

At last, the remaining bits of patience for the daughter of his respected mentor got drained. His face was grim. Darkness arose from his eagle-like eyes, piercing through her.

Rufus firmly believed he knew Cassandra better than anyone else. Her marriage with Lionel was widely misunderstood. The clients she had were also not due to his reference. Whatever she had reaped was the result of her own efforts. How could Amanda disregard all her hard work without knowing anything about her?

"I will speak! Cassandra is nothing but a slut abandoned by her husband. Only you would treasure such a filthy woman!"

Amanda lost all her manners in front of someone like Rufus whom she knew from head to toe. She acted like no less than a kid, shouting out those careless words.

Rufus's jaw clenched; his eyes widened as a dark look came on his face.

"Enough! Don't ever show me your face again!" Rufus roared.

His eyes seemed to be made of cold metal. Amanda quivered, taken aback by his sudden uproar.

He had now turned violently angry toward her. Using some strength, he shoved her away from the door. She couldn't even balance herself and almost fell to the ground but Rufus didn't even look at her. Without waiting another second, he strode out.

The empty space around her seemed to gnaw at her wounded heart as she composed herself and stomped out helplessly, in anger.

All the days of Rufus's cold behavior came back to her. She thought of all the times she brought lunch for him, which always ended up untouched. Still, she kept an affectionate smile whenever she came and left. Rufus never even bothered to thank her or look at her.

Despite being at the end of such unresponsiveness, she had to ready herself to feign a composed look as she walked along the corridor outside his office, such that all the employees would think of her as Rufus's girlfriend.

It had become too much for her to bear!


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