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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 190

Cassandra blanked out. It was the late evening, off-work peak hour, and the taxi was stuck in the middle of all the cars heading from the CBD towards the residential areas. The traffic moved so slowly; the taxi moved like a snail.

Cassandra leaned against the window and looked out at the buildings all around her. And her eyes happened to fall upon a huge billboard, with Amanda's smiling face on it.

It was that typical smile of her, pure and elegant, confident and amicable.

Part of her suspected Amanda had come to G city for Rufus.

What was the relationship between the two? Her head was filled up with doubts and speculations.

Endless questions clawed at her heart, because of which she felt compelled to confront Rufus directly. But she was afraid of seeing him, afraid that she would collapse at the mere sight of his face, that she would fall to her knees and wail endlessly, that she would expose her most vulnerable, fragile self. Most of all, she was afraid Rufus would despise that weak side of her.

'How do you forget to be obstinate, Cassandra? Where's your perseverance? Where does all your strength vanish to when you see Rufus?' she castigated herself.

While she was lost in her own musings, Rufus was still at work. Amanda, who was determined to get back her true love again, sat on the couch, watching him work since noon.

She hadn't left the room since she had come to have lunch with him, who kept ignoring her. However, she seemed to be mentally prepared for this cold treatment and hence wasn't really bothered by it.

As long as Rufus didn't kick her out, she felt hopeful.

Moreover, maybe it was for Charlie's sake that he wasn't saying anything harsh enough to chase her out.

When it was time to leave, Rufus turned off his computer and wrapped up everything. Amanda finally got up and walked toward him, clutching his arm with her hands.

"Rufus, let's watch a movie tonight," she said.

Her eyes seemed to flicker with hope and anticipation. She even had the tickets ready for a romantic movie, the best kind for a couple to see on a date night. All she needed was a man to watch it with.

"I have something else planned," Rufus said, trying to decline politely.

With creased eyebrows, he slid his arm from her touch as naturally as possible.

"It's okay! I can wait for you until you finish."

Amanda wasn't ready to give up. Smiling with hope, she again twisted her arms with his.

"It's a business matter. I don't know how long it'll take,"


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