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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 283

"Mr. Luo should be at the construction site. It's the theatre construction project in the tourist area."

Victor saw no reason to hide the whereabouts of his boss to Cassandra.

"Thank you, Victor!"

After hanging up the phone, Cassandra went straight to where Rufus was supposed to be, without thinking twice. The eagerness to divulge was overwhelming and she felt like she could not make through another minute without telling Rufus that she was pregnant.

Meanwhile, Rufus confirmed it with multiple reliable sources that it was Charlie who had invested money in the Qin Group. He also came to learn that Charlie had spoken to Cassandra earlier. It was only recently that Charlie provided her with substantial financial support, helping her repay the bank loan and securing her a larger amount of another loan. All of this made Rufus uneasy all day.

The more he thought about, the less well it sat with him. Motivated by concern, he couldn't help calling Cassandra's phone. However, fearing that what he had guessed all along could be true, in the end, he cut the call as he didn't feel like talking to her about this matter anymore.

At noon, there was no sunshine, only a wan and ashen light that suffused the sky. ?Amanda gracefully pushed open?the door of the office and glanced within. With a distinctive blend of airy nonchalance, she stepped in with a box of home-made lunch, as if she had forgotten about everything that had happened between them last night.

"Rufus, I made salmon sushi today. Quick, have a taste!"

With a happy smile on her lips, she completely disregarded his cold face and started setting the plates in front of him one by one.

"Amanda, please stop this. You don't need to bring me lunch in the future."

Frustrated, Rufus shook his head, about to say something when she stretched out her dainty finger and pressed it on his lips.

"Rufus, I'm not like Cassandra. I won't leave you just because you can't see how much I care about you. Nothing can stop me from feeling the way I do about you, not even lures from the outside world. Even if you don't love me now, I think that one day I will win your heart with my persistence."

With a piteous expression on her face, she bit her lower lip, digging her sharp canine into the soft skin and piercing it all the harder until it went blue.

Finding it difficult to deal with her, Rufus sighed in resignation. Knowing Amanda well enough, he realized the easiest way to get rid of her was to play along and let her do whatever she wanted to do. Glancing down at the plate, he picked up a sushi with his chopsticks before reluctantly lifting the food to his mouth.

"Amanda, what did you mean when you said lures from the outside world?"

Rufus, sharp as ever, seemed to have caught on to something behind her words. In an instant, he put down the sushi and scanned every inch of her face with his sharp eyes.

Meeting his eyes, Amanda seemed to be taken aback by his sudden mood change and shifted in the leather seat uncomfortably.

"No... I didn't mean it like that..."

Her eyes scrambled around the room, trying to run away from his gaze.


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