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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 284

Rufus's thoughts had wandered off to Cassandra. What would her reaction be when she learned of how he became the man that he was now?

Would she blame him and get angry with him for not telling her the truth? Or would she forgive him and accept him and his past?

But he had never expected such a result and would never believe it.

He shook his head at his own thoughts. 'No, impossible. She will never do that. I know her. She won't be blinded by money.'

Shivers racked his frame at the thought that he could be wrong. It was a terrifying notion, and he refused to believe it.

Charlie watched him coldly as he answered. He looked at Rufus in disbelief, as if he was telling the biggest joke he had ever heard.

"You can believe what you want. I told her myself, and I saw how she turned pale when she heard that you might not be able to inherit the Tang Group." Rufus gave no reply and Charlie scoffed, "You think I'm lying? Listen to reason, Rufus. You are letting your emotions get the better of you. Whatever feelings you have for her right now are turning you into a blind man. You're the smartest student I've ever had, and it is ridiculous of you to believe in such a woman!"

Charlie's gaze was burning as he spoke. He shook his head repeatedly as he continued.

"I knew right from the start that she was no simple woman. She chose to marry Lionel for Tang Group's power. Then she left him just as he was losing his father's favor. It was clever of her to turn her attention to you, the next possible successor."

Charlie did not mince his words about Cassandra. He spoke without holding anything back, regardless of whether it would hurt Rufus or not. At the same time, Rufus clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grip.

"You're wrong, Charlie," he said back sharply. "She had never wanted anything from me. Not once had she asked for my help. She stood alone and did everything herself. Whatever she has right now, she worked harder than anybody to get. You have no idea what she had to go through."

Rufus defended Cassandra without any hesitation, but was cut off by Charlie who now started to feel disappointed.

"Listen to yourself, Rufus! Why are you defending her? Don't be naive! That woman loves nobody but herself! She knows what my money will bring her, and that's why she drew a clear line between you and her. Stop acting like a dog waiting for scraps from her!"

The venom in Charlie's voice as he spat out the words stung Rufus. He clenched his teeth in restraint. There was no telling of what he could do if he was not able to hold his temper.

Seeing Rufus's expression, Charlie knew that he had better stop. Things were quickly getting more and more heated, and it was sure to erupt once they reach the extremes. From there on, there would be no turning back.

"You have to know. There're more to her than what you think, and I'm sure your eyes will open once you see it for yourself. Remember what I've taught you, Rufus, and for God's sake, use your head!" He huffed for a moment before taking a step back. "I'm done here. It's your decision to make. Amanda, let's get out of here!"

Charlie grabbed his daughter's hand as she was still sobbing and headed quickly to the door.

Meanwhile, Amanda had not yet recovered from the shock. She let herself be led by her father to the elevator as she looked back at the figure behind the glass window. Every step she took felt heavy as she thought of Rufus and how he was dealing with her father's words.


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