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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 464

"I haven't been feeling well recently. I rarely come out, let alone read the newspapers,"

Cassandra bashfully remarked. Being praised by Cloris was a rarity, so she did not know how to properly respond to the unusual occurrence.

Edith stood up from her seat and went beside Cassandra, effectively disrupting her prior conversation. She prompted her daughter to give her a tour of the place before she pulled Cassandra to a corner and said, "I briefly talked to Rufus just now. I think I've changed my mind about him since even Cloris only spouted praises for him. We've both agreed to leave you both alone, I hope you'll continue being happy with him!"

The meeting with Vernon had indeed been a therapeutic one for Edith. It was her fault that she had forced her docile daughter to marry Lionel years ago, a big mistake that wasted a huge part of her youth; Edith simply did not want a repeat of history. So, as long as Cassandra was happy, she would no longer try to manipulate her decisions.

Cassandra had found a man that she loved the same way he loved her, and Edith was content in recognizing that fact.

Her child was a good lady that was worthy of living her own life, after all. If Cassandra was confident with Rufus, then she was of no position to refuse.


The beginnings of sniffles broke Cassandra's steady voice as she was overtaken with emotion. She was rendered speechless, and her mother's approval meant much more to her than anything she could have perpetually desired.

"I know, dear. I know what you're thinking right now. I've got no plans of breaking you two apart, I just wish for you to live a life full of love."

Edith's mellow gaze seemed to embrace Cassandra's trembling form. She caressed a hand to her daughter's face as the first roll of tears cascaded down her reddened cheeks. Mere phrases or sentences could not begin to describe the sheer glee Cassandra was experiencing currently.

Cloris's phone ringing went unnoticed by the occupied pair but did capture Rufus's attention. She looked at the name on the screen and conspicuously excused herself out the area in celerity.

She picked up the call and an anxious voice greeted her instantly, "Cloris, I just heard from the people who were monitoring Cassandra's phone. They said that she's planning to give the USB with the newly revised bid document back today! You have to quickly think of a plan to get it before anyone else does!"

Arthur's near imperceptible speech slurred slightly as he rushed to convey his concerns. The interference around Rufus's house made it exceedingly hard to monitor all calls going through Cassandra's phone. His team had faced difficulty on decoding her messages, but had thankfully acquired the important information they needed before it was too late.

"What? This soon? But, aren't there a few days left till the bidding starts?"

Cloris creased her brows in distress. Her plan had been to make up with Cassandra so she would gain an easier access to the device she wanted to retrieve. Although, it might be futile with her damned sister giving away the files earlier than the aforementioned date.

"She might've stayed up finishing it. Anyway, just think of something! We'll never have a chance like this again!"


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