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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 465

Rufus's eyes were fixed on Cloris as she took things out and placed them back in her 'new' bag.

The entire process was scrutinized by everyone, which made her behave in a very capricious manner.

Rufus tried to expel the weird feelings that shadowed his heart, but to no effect. Cloris had always been someone who behaved strangely. Maybe she just realy wanted to change the handbag?

"Sis! Here you are!"

Cloris beamed, smiling and gave her bag to Cassandra, while she carried the other one on her own shoulder. Holding Edith's hand, she asked innocently, "Shall we go back, Mom?"

She was simply putting up a facade to appear normal but was very anxious to go back.

Edith wasn't prepared for anything but was simply being pushed around and dragged by Cloris. Before she even realized what was happening, she had already taken the exit.

In the blink of an eye, Cloris swapped Cassandra's USB drive with the one in her hand. She felt relieved to have finally done that. Her heart started to beat at its normal pace again.

There were too many people in there just now. Very likely, Rufus and Cassandra would be able to spot her if she did it just now. That was why she was in a hurry to run away from them and do it secretly.

Little did she know there was someone who had observed the entire scene from a dark corner. A mystical smile stayed plastered on his face. In a moment, he was gone.

"Mom, Cloris, why don't you guys come stay with me?"

It wasn't easy for Cassandra to clear the gap between herself and her mother. She wanted to seize every opportunity that showed itself to strengthen the relationship they shared.

"We'll come back after a few days. We are going to celebrate Arthur's birthday in our house! Mother already started to do the preparation yesterday. He is going to drive us back later," Cloris said sweetly.

She had just finished talking when Arthur's car stopped in front of the studio. He walked toward them with a warm grin.

Cloris pulled at Edith's arm hastily, waving goodbye at Cassandra with a flashy smile and got into the car.

Cassandra saw them off and returned to her studio.

The moment the car started to move, Cloris started to copy the content from Cassandra's USB drive into another USB drive.

She chose to sit in the back seat, while Edith sat in the front. Arthur was talking to Edith to distract her so she wouldn't notice what Cloris was doing.

As the progress bar loaded more and more, Cloris became more and more nervous.

At last, it was done! All the content was duplicated into the special USB drive, which had a self-destruction function.

Cloris heaved a sigh of relief. Right then, Cassandra called her.

"Hey Cloris! I think I left my USB drive in your bag. Can you please check and tell me if it's there?"

She hurriedly called Cloris the moment it struck her that the flash drive was not with her.

"Let me see… Oh yes! It's here. I'll come and give it back to you right away!"

Cloris said while pretending to fumble in her bag.

"Alright! I'm waiting for you. Please rush,"

Cassandra said, relieved. For a moment, she really thought she had lost it.

"Arthur, can you please turn back? I need to give something to Cassandra urgently!"

Arthur turned the car without a question, and drove back towards Cassandra's studio.

All of Cassandra tension was eliminated the moment she retrieved the USB drive from Cloris.

Only after they had come again and left did Rufus notice the device in Cassandra's hand.

"What's this? Is it very important?" Rufus inquired.

He was curious about its contents as Cassandra appeared quite nervous and desperate to get it back.

"Just some sketches I did in the past. Nothing important," she replied.

After that, she hurriedly put it in her pocket, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"Rufus, help me take care of here. I'm gonna go to the supermarket to buy something. I'll be back in a minute."

She simply made an excuse to leave. She had to go and hand the USB drive to someone else sent by Horace.

"Alright. I'll wait here."

Rufus smiled without saying anything more. But he did realize Cassandra was trying to hide something from him.

He started to follow her secretly. Something, was surely up.

When she reached the pavement, she made a call. Shortly after that, a car stopped in front of her. The person who was sitting in the car was no one else but Lionel.

In a daze, she stepped near the car. Suddenly, her face turned rigid.

Chapter 465 Good Luck To You 1


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