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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 49

Cassandra hadn't slept in her princess bed in a long time, but the sheets still smelled of her lost childhood. She looked around her former room. Nothing had changed. The teddy bear at the foot of the bed, the wind chime twinkling above the windowsill, the numerous photographs on the wall that captured her adolescence...Everything remained the same. She stood dully, reminiscing on her past. She had so many memories attached to this bedroom and her house.

Just then, there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Cassandra, I'm done taking my bath. Can I come in?" Cloris exclaimed, interrupting Cassandra's long-lost memories.

Cassandra snapped back to reality and turned around to open the door. Cloris came in wearing a bathrobe, her face breaking into a wide grin. Once inside, she changed into her pajamas.

She was pretty and had a perfect hour-glass figure that obviously attracted attention. People, including most women, simply couldn't tear their eyes off her when she walked into a room.

Her smooth, creamy white skin contrasted sharply against her black PJs, giving a strong visual effect. Cassandra made a sound halfway between a gasp and a sigh as she stared at her little sister. Cloris had grown up to be quite a stunner. She was as beautiful and graceful as a swan.

"Cloris, you are just so lovely. Nobody can take their eyes off you."

Cassandra's praise came from the bottom of her heart, and her sister gave her a soft smile in return. Cloris moved closer to Cassandra and embraced her, breathing in deeply. She leaned back and looked at her.

"Cassandra, may I ask you a question?"

Cloris asked. A mild blush stained her cheeks. Cassandra's heart jolted. She already knew what Cloris was going to ask, but she smiled and nodded anyway, "Sure."

Cloris pulled her sister's arm shyly and the two of them sat on the bed. She opened and shut her mouth repeatedly, too nervous to say anything. After a moment's silence, she finally blurted, "Does Rufus have a girlfriend?"

Just as Cassandra had expected, Cloris was curious about Rufus. She had seen her sneaking glances at him downstairs. Cassandra's heart sank to the bottom of her stomach and she swallowed visibly. Her throat had turned dry.

"I don't know. Probably not. I haven't heard that he has one,"

Cassandra answered softly and lowered her eyes, avoiding her sister's inquiring gaze.

"Really? That's awesome."

Cloris grinned widely, clearly overjoyed. She hugged Cassandra around the neck and then kissed her on the cheek, unable to contain her excitement.

Cassandra stared at her lovely sister, wondering if Rufus liked simple and innocent girls like Cloris. Perhaps he would. If they were to be together, Cassandra would have to watch from the sidelines.

"Cassandra, I like Rufus a lot. Can you help me win him over?"

Cloris asked after a while once she had reigned in her excitement.

"Huh? I don't know how I'd do that."

Cassandra glanced at Cloris from the corner of her eyes, deeply embarrassed. It was the first time someone had asked her to play matchmaker. Besides, she had feelings for Rufus. How could she help her sister win his heart?

Cloris squinted her eyes, her brain churning. Suddenly, an idea presented itself to her. Her bright eyes lit up with delight as she gazed at her sister.

"Cassandra, you'll go back to the Tang mansion tomorrow, right?"

Cassandra nodded in silence and trepidation, wondering what Cloris had in mind.

"Can I go with you and stay there for some time? It's my summer vacation right now. I get bored at home, and I would rather spend some time with you."

Cloris pulled at Cassandra's wrist, looking at her with imploring eyes.

It was probably the first time in many years that the two sisters were being so intimate. Cassandra's feelings towards her family hardly went deep, but the girl sitting in front of her was, after all, her sister. She couldn't say no to her request for spending some time together.

"If you want, sure."

Cassandra finally understood why her family spoiled Cloris so much. Even Vernon, who was usually serious and impersonal, was fond of her. She did have a charm about her that people were drawn to. Nobody could refuse her.

Perhaps it would be for the best if Cassandra brought Rufus and Cloris together. Then she'd be forced to forget her memories of him. All the moments that she kept close to her heart would fade away like forgotten dreams, as if they never happened.

It would be a perfect ending.

At the thought, Cassandra allowed herself a wry smile.

"Thank you, sis. I love you so much."

Cloris beamed, even more delighted now that she had her sister's consent. She threw herself back on the bed and rolled, giggling happily.

Cloris's excitement reasserted Cassandra's decision to bring Rufus and her sister together.

It might be the best way to put an end to her relationship with him. As for her marriage with Lionel, it might signal a new beginning.


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