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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 50

With her back against the wall of the bathroom, Cassandra's heart thumped inside her chest. Her breath quickened and she felt nervous but also secretly pleased that Rufus had decided to call her. She didn't know what was happening right now or why she felt this way. She just knew that she was happy that Rufus wanted to see her. At the same time, she also felt a tinge of guilt because she had no idea where this would lead them. She knew she shouldn't do this but she just couldn't help herself. It was as if Rufus was a magnet and she was a helpless ferrous damsel that was being drawn towards him.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes and gently bit down on her lower lip in an effort to make up her mind. She resolutely walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom that she shared with Cloris. Cloris looked up and saw the nervousness on her sister's face and broke into a knowing smile. She assumed that the call had been from her brother-in-law. 'They really were a sweet couple, ' she mused innocently.

"Sis, did he ask you to go and meet him? I am really sorry that I've interrupted you two,"

Cloris teased her sister. In spite of being young, Cloris was not ignorant about the ways between husband and wife. It was normal for couples to want to be with each other all the time. Though she herself was not in a relationship right now, she could understand the feeling. Cassandra's face burnt in embarrassment when she heard her sister's words. She lowered her head and touched her flaming face then murmured shyly, "Cloris, I am going out for a while. Go to sleep. Don't wait for me, please."

Cloris nodded then waved at Cassandra urging her to go out and have fun. The teasing smile remained on her face the whole time.

"I know, I know. Don't worry about me. Just go have 'FUN' with my brother-in-law!"

Cloris stressed the word 'fun' with a smirk, making Cassandra's face burn even hotter. She panicked momentarily but said nothing in the end. She just nodded her head and hurriedly walked out the door, clutching her phone tightly in her hand.

Only when she had walked out and closed the door behind her could Cassandra breathe in relief. She didn't like lying to her family, especially about something so overwhelming. At the moment, she just couldn't care less. Her steps became lighter and her paces quickened. She didn't know why but she felt so happy all of a sudden. She had been wanting to see Rufus too.

The gentle fragrance of the yellow flowers blooming in the small back yard made her want to know the name of the flower. Frankly, she had never even noticed them before. Perhaps it was because she was in such high spirits that even the smallest thing delighted her. She was in love. This was something that she had never thought would happen to her because she had already accepted her fate when she got married four years ago. Her heart had awakened and suddenly, she felt the bittersweet taste of love.

Under the dim streetlight stood a tall man. The light shone down on him, forming a halo around his shoulders. He looked pure and graceful like an angel. Clearly, he was waiting for someone. And one could tell that he had been waiting for a good while.

Cassandra quickened her steps and stopped in front of him. She had rushed all the way here so she was a little out of breath. Their eyes locked and it seemed as if time had suddenly stopped around the two of them.

Neither of them opened their mouths to talk at first. Instantly, Rufus walked up to her and before she could say anything, he put his lips on hers, swallowing the words she wanted to say.

It felt like both of them had been waiting for this moment for too long.

Cassandra closed her eyes because of his sudden move. But slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Rufus' face. He was really handsome and made her heart beat faster whenever their eyes met. Her heart was enmeshed in a warm feeling. A sudden realization struck her hard.

She was aware that she liked the man who was standing in front of her. Maybe she was even in love with him.

"Cassandra, be my woman,"

after the kiss, Rufus sighed and whispered in her ears. His words made Cassandra's eyes widen in shock. She couldn't believe her ears.

'Did I hear that he...

he said...said...that he wanted me...to be his woman?

Did he really just ask me to be his woman?'

Cassandra blinked and looked up at Rufus hesitatingly, too stunned to speak. She needed a minute to register what had just happened. First, she came out to meet Rufus after the call. Then he kissed her without saying anything. Now he asked her to be his woman! Her breath quickened loudly in the quiet night. Rufus was staring at her pretty face with adoration. His eyes were brown, like the color of whisky. Cassandra could really be drowning in his loving gaze. The look on his face was deadly serious. She had never seen him this serious.

Yes! Rufus really meant what he had just said. He was not kidding.

He really wanted to be with the woman who was standing in front of him right now. No matter what he did, he just couldn't get her out of his mind. And that was when he realized that he was serious about her. Cassandra's power over him was even stronger than he had imagined.

He wanted her and only her. He wanted everything to do with her. He wanted to spoil her, protect and love her. He wanted to make her his and only his.

Rufus had never expected to meet a woman who could steal his heart. In the beginning, he just thought that what they had had before was a one-night stand, nothing special about it. But as he got to know her more, he was slowly drawn to her. There was something about her that gave him a feeling that he had never experienced before.

"Divorce Lionel and be mine,"

Rufus repeated carefully. Seeing Cassandra's shocked face, the corners of his lips slowly curled into a smirk. He was aware of the effect his words would have on Cassandra and he planned to make good use of it.

Cassandra's long lashes suddenly trembled in the arms of the man she liked. Smelling the familiar scent of him, seeing the smile on his face, hearing his words, she felt like she was in a dream. She didn't want to ever wake up from this beautiful dream. His words echoed in her head and wound around her heart. She really wanted to let go of everything and just be with him.

She stared at him, like staring at a dream that forever floated out of her reach.

The feeling was so surreal. She just couldn't believe this was really happening. The man she liked also liked her back. What were the chances of becoming Rufus's woman, being with the man she liked and being liked in return. These were something that Cassandra had never thought about before. If she said yes, then it meant that she could kiss him whenever she wanted. Thinking of this, Cassandra couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart.

But...what about both their families? Maybe it was just wishful thinking after all. This dream could never come true.

In the next second, Cassandra pushed Rufus away roughly and backed away a few steps. She lowered her head, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes. She didn't dare look into eyes. She was afraid that he would see right through her. And more importantly, she was also afraid that if she looked into his magnetic eyes for one more second, she would crumble and say yes to him without a care in the world. That would put both of them in a great dilemma.


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