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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Take Him Down By Force 

Thinking Sasha came to cause trouble for Finnegan because of what happened earlier, Bernice stood in front of the man without thinking twice and said, “Sasha, what are you. trying to do now?” 

The way she shielded him was the same when Killian came to mess with Finnegan. 

All of a sudden, Finnegan was moved by her actions. 

Meanwhile, Sasha, who had looked into Finnegan’s history, mocked, “Bernice, he’s just your savior. He’s not your boyfriend. Why are you so agitated?” 

Though they were a part of the Four Beauties of Jadeborough, the Miles family was several times more powerful than the Zimmerman family. 

Even so, Bernice was always recognized as the top among the Four Beauties of Jadeborough. That was why Sasha resented Bernice. 

Hence, it was natural for Sasha to mock Bernice when she saw the latter protecting Finnegan that way. 

Annoyed, Bernice snapped, “Don’t spout nonsense, Sasha. I just don’t want you causing trouble for Finnegan.” 

“Don’t worry. Finnegan’s not worth my time. I just want him to take a look at my dad because Dr. Cooper says his medical skills are not bad. I wouldn’t have bothered to look for him if that was not the case,” said Sasha with disdain. 

She then cast Finnegan a condescending gaze and uttered as if she was doing charity, “Let’s go. Come home with me to have a look at my dad. If you can cure him, our family will give you ten million. On top of that, we’ll resolve the grudge between you and Killian. We can also let your father return to his teaching position.” 

That was the decision she made after looking into Finnegan’s personal life, and she was sure he would agree to it. 

Finnegan would never be a match for the Chomsky family with his average background, even if he had Bernice protecting him. 

Bernice turned around to gaze at Finnegan with a glint in her 


If the Miles family was really willing to stand up for Finnegan, the Chomsky family and Killian might not dare to bother Finnegan anymore. 

After all, the Miles family was the richest family in Jadeborough, and Gilbert was the 



president of Jadeborough’s chamber of commerce. They were more powerful than the Chomsky family, to a certain extent. 

Nevertheless, Finnegan said, “I’ll take my leave now, Ms. Zimmerman. You should go home and rest early, too.” 

With that, Finnegan walked away without glancing at Sasha. 

He could not be bothered to entertain someone who behaved so high and mighty when asking for a favor. 

When Sasha came to her senses, she yelled, “Finbegan! Stop right there!” 

Alas, Finnegan ignored her and continued making his way to the exit. 

Sasha hollered, “Stop him!” 

The four b*dyguards of the Miles family ran over and blocked Finnegan’s way. 

Seeing that, Bernice shouted, “What do you want, Sasha? Are you going to force Finnegan to treat Mr. Miles?” 

“I can afford to do that,” Sasha responded. Throwing Finnegan an icy glare, she hissed, “I’m giving you two options. Either you come back with me to treat my father, or my men will drag you home. You’d better think wisely.” 

Sasha’s tone was laced with threat. 

Finnegan demanded, “Get out of my way.” 

Regardless, the four muscular b*dyguards did not budge. 

Sasha scoffed, “Looks like you’re choosing the second option.” Subsequently, she shot the b*dyguards a look. 

Two b*dyguards each took a side and charged at Finnegan. 

“Sasha, tell them to stop now!” yelled Bernice anxiously as she was about to call Patrick to send over some b*dyguards. 

Just then, Finnegan raised his hands and grabbed the two b*dyguards’ wrists. The b*dyguards were unfazed. They prepared to free themselves from his hold and take him down by force, only to discover it was useless no matter how much force they exerted. Finnegan’s hands were like pincer pliers restraining their hands. 

Not noticing that, Sasha hollered impatiently. “What are you guys doing? Hurry up!” 



As soon as she said that, Finnegan pressed his hands downward. The b*dyguards suddenly felt that their bodies were heavy, and they fell to their knees with a bang, forming cracks in the ground. 

The other two b*dyguards quickly grabbed at Finnegan, but before they could even reach him, they felt a stabbing pain in their abdomen. Without wasting any second, Finnegan sent them each flying backward with a kick. 

The four b*dyguards crashed to the ground and wailed in pain. 

Bernice gaped at Finnegan in shock, with her phone still in her hand. She had completely. forgotten about wanting to make the phone call, 

Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Finnegan to be capable of defeating several well- trained b*dyguards. 

That was not what Sasha expected as well. 

She instinctively took two steps backward when Finnegan shifted his attention to her. However, she quickly regained her confidence as soon as she remembered who she was. “Finnegan, have you considered the consequences of offending my family in Jadeborough? Aren’t you afraid something might happen to your parents?” 

Finnegan’s expression darkened instantly. “Shut up, Sasha!” 

Threatening Finnegan with his family was practically crossing the line. 

He spun around and marched toward Sasha while glowering at her. He could tolerate Sasha’s unruly behavior and even forgive her for offending him, but he could not let her threaten. him using his family. 

Sasha felt a chill run down her spine when she met his icy gaze. She could not help but shudder. “You’d better not do anything rash, Finnegan. I’m the daughter of the Miles family.” 

However, Finnegan could not care less about her identity. 


When Finnegan arrived before Sasha, whose face was pale and drenched in sweat, Kathleen showed up with Trey and dozens of b*dyguards. She had tagged along for fear of Sasha messing things up. 

Sure enough, Sasha did exactly what Kathleen had predicted. 


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