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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 The Solo Battle 

Golden Hades, notorious for his brutality and bloodshed, had built a fearsome reputation over the years. 

For decades, bis reputation had been so terrifying that it sent shivers down one’s spine. 

But in this moment, he felt that Finnegan was more deserving of the title of Hades than he was. 

Finnegan’s reckless abandon and indifference towards self-harm in order to harm his enemy made Golden Hades’s heart race. 

Despite his superior skills, Golden Hades found himself unable to handle Finnegan at the moment. 

Instead, he was constantly evading his opponent’s attacks. 

This feeling of being suppressed and attacked enraged Golden Hades. “You lunatic!” 

Finnegan’s eyes gleamed with fierceness and brutality. “Stop the nonsense!” 

Swinging his fists and coordinating with his legs, Finnegan moved like lightning, relentlessly pursuing Golden Hades. There was no defense, only attack. 

Golden Hades saw numerous flaws and opportunities to deliver a fatal blow to Finnegan. 

However, with Doom Star present, he could only adopt a defensive stance while seeking an opportunity to turn the tables. 

“What is Dr. Larkin’s cultivation level exactly?” 

Bradley nervously gulped. “I have a feeling that even Mr. Klausen might not be able to defeat him.” 

Romona gritted her teeth. “Who the h*ll taught this b*stard?” 

An elite from the Wahlstrom family, who was at the Enigma Realm, joined the conversation. “His level is not lower than the Terra Realm, but I can’t sense his cultivation level. Moreover, fighters cultivate and solidify their vital energy, but the energy he exudes doesn’t quite resemble vital energy. It seems even more profound than that!”. 

He paused before looking at Doom Star. “I can’t sense his level of cultivation either. His aura feels quite similar to Mr. Larkin’s.” 

Upon hearing this, Bradley, his daughter, and Romona fell into deep thought. 

Generally, unless a fighter had the extra strength to suppress it, it was impossible to hide their aura. 

It was like Golden Hades at the venue. If it weren’t for Doom Star angering him into revealing himself, one would have known that he had reached the Absolute Rank of the Terra Realm. 


And now, both Finnegan and Doom Star were clearly giving it their all. How could the others possibly not sense the aura of their realms? 

Amidst everyone’s confusion, Finnegan’s offensive became increasingly fierce and domineering, like a raging tsunami ready to engulf everything in its path. 


Doom Star’s attacks were also changing, striking Golden Hades with cunning and ruthless blows. 

Feeling oppressed, Golden Hades grew frustrated and angry. “D”mn it!” he exclaimed. 

With a roar of fury, Golden Hades abandoned his defense and met Finnegan’s attack head-on with a direct punch. 

With a resounding boom, Finnegan staggered back four or five steps, his vitality surging wildly. 

Golden Hades stood his ground, clearly demonstrating a power far superior to Finnegan’s. 

But in the process, he had been left with a deep knife wound by Doom Star, one that revealed the bone beneath. It was over ten centimeters long. 

However, seemingly unfazed, Golden Hades abruptly turned around to seize Doom Star’s saber. 

Doom Star wished to retreat but was hindered as Golden Hades seized the saber. 

“Drop dead!” 

Golden Hades staked his injuries to seize this opportunity to counterattack. Naturally, he couldn’t let it sl*p 


In a roar of fury, a punch landed squarely on Doom Star. 

With a crisp snap, one of Doom Star’s ribs broke. 

Blood spurted from his mouth as his b*dy was flung backward, crashing heavily onto the ground. 

And all of this happened in the blink of an eye, just as Finnegan managed to steady himself. 

Romona’s face subtly changed. “Finnegan!” 

Neither of the two managed to defeat Golden Hades, and now only Finnegan remained. It was even more unlikely that he would be able to overpower Golden Hades. 

Taking a deep breath, Finnegan pulled out a healing tablet and tossed it to Doom Star. “You should step back for now.” 

Golden Hades, panting heavily, took step by step toward Finnegan. “Brat, you should be proud. Even in death, you’re pushing me this far. You should be proud to die at my hands!” 

With a cold laugh, Finnegan was the first to strike. 

Golden Hades roared in defiance, “Brat, you have no right to look down on me. A Grandmaster is not to be insulted!” 

From the beginning until now, Finnegan had always shown contempt towards him. 

Right now, Golden Hades just wanted to tear Finnegan apart. 

It was no longer just about avenging the Goldberg Five. 

Despite the numerous knife wounds on his front and back limiting his performance, he couldn’t defeat 


Finnegan at the moment. He was merely gaining the upper hand. 

With a serious tone, Bradley asked, “Captain Quickwood, have any police officers arrived yet?” 

At this point, if the police department’s personnel were to arrive, it was uncertain whether Golden Hades could withstand their indiscriminate gunfire. 

Romona held her phone and said, “It will take some time to mobilize people at short notice, at least fifteen minutes at the fastest.” 

After hearing that, Bradley’s expression slightly darkened. “Fifteen minutes. Can Dr. Larkin hold on?” 

Looking at Finnegan, who now only had the power to defend, Bradley lacked confidence. 

“Mr. Tree, aren’t we going to take action yet?” 

Meanwhile, less than two hundred meters away at a bend, a woman dressed in black leather pants and a small vest with a stunning figure and shoulder-length hair was watching the battle scene through night vision binoculars. 

Beside her was Logan Tree, who had visited Jadeborough a few days ago. 

Logan nodded and said, “Finnegan wants to use Golden Hades as a test. Let’s just observe for now. As long as we ensure that Golden Hades doesn’t survive tonight!” 

The woman with short hair furrowed her brows. “Mr. Tree, who exactly is this Finnegan? Can he really defeat Golden Hades?” 

The corner of Logan’s mouth twitched, a trace of complexity flashing in his eyes. “Who he is doesn’t matter. You’ll naturally find out when the time comes. As for whether he can defeat Golden Hades… A direct confrontation is naturally impossible. But he’s quite cunning!” 

The woman with short hair wanted to ask more questions, but Logan had already changed the subject. “First, you should proceed according to the plan. The investigation of Finnegan by Brutus and the others must be limited to only what we want them to know!” 

Upon hearing this, the woman with short hair had no choice but to abandon her investigative thoughts. “I’ll go right away,” she assured, “I guarantee that Hank will only discover the truth we’ve arranged!” 


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