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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Half The Truth 

In Nathan’s courtyard, seeing Nathan standing like an elementary school student, Sawyer said with a smile, “Have a seat. Why so formal?” 

Nathan remained standing. “You’re my elder. It’s only right for me to remain standing.” 

“You’re still as pedantic as ever.” Sawyer chuckled and did not insist further. “Then tell me about what that rascal Finnegan has been up to since he returned.” 

Nathan nodded, then recounted Finnegan’s experiences during this time. 

From the matters of the Chomsky family to the reason for the appearance of Golden Hades tonight, nothing was left out. 

After he finished speaking, Sawyer slammed his hand on the table. 

Nathan asked in surprise, “Sir, are you upset? Would you like us to step in and resolve these issues?” 

“That kid got himself into trouble, so he can deal with it himself. You guys don’t need to interfere.” Sawyer looked displeased. “What the hell is this kid up to? I arranged several marriage proposals for him, yet he actually found one himself. Is this Bernice truly deserving of my only disciple, Sawyer?” 

Nathan had heard about the engagement from Jeremy 

To his surprise, Sawyer was upset because of this. 

“Sir, if you’re not happy about it, should I give the Zimmerman family a heads up?” 

Sawyer narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought. 

A moment later, he smiled and said, “No. We can’t break up a couple. Let’s leave it to the girl’s family to handle.” 

Nathan knew well that Sawyer was not only deeply knowledgeable but also proficient in sorcery. He was certain that Sawyer must have figured something out. 

He nodded in understanding. 

the cup of coffee and said, “However, we still need to handle tonight’s matters properly. Sawyer picked up Finnegan is still growing. The less he exposes, the more time he will have for sufficient growth!” 

that should not be exposed will be covered up by us before Nathan assured, “Rest easy, sir. Any issues Finnegan can reach Durbaine. The death of Golden Hades tonight will be recorded as the Dragon Team discovering him and subsequently ambushing him.” 

Sawyer took a sip of coffee and said, “I’ve waited for over a hundred years for the perfect Finnegan. All I ask is that you take good care of him. Otherwise, it would be a waste of all my efforts. Also, tell the people in Durbaine that I will be leaving the day after tomorrow, and they can only send one person!” 

“All right.” 

In the VIP ward of St. Mary’s Hospital in Jadeborough, Yuvan who had already awakened found that he 


still couldn’t speak. He vented his frustration by throwing punches and kicks at the doctor. 

“Yuven, that’s enough! Stop hitting the doctor now!” 

Yasmine’s attempts to dissuade him were futile, and a few of the doctor’s teeth were knocked out. “Have mercy!” 

Yasmine frowned and had her followers go forward to stop him. 

Even so, Yuvan was still furiously attacking those around him, much like an angry lion cub. 

Yasmine could no longer bear to watch. She stepped forward and slapped him. “Have you had enough? If you hadn’t been so arrogant and dismissive of others back then, would things have turned out like this? If you don’t start behaving, I’ll tell your cousin everything and have him lock you up.” 

Whether it was due to witnessing Yasmine’s rising anger, or out of fear of the aforementioned cousin, he finally managed to regain his composure. However, he still appeared to be quite unsettled. 

Yasmine said, “Just calm down. I’ll find a way to make you feel better.” Then, turning to her followers, she said, “Watch him. If he lays a hand on the medical staff again, you guys can beat him up!” 

Feeling weary, she rubbed her forehead and left the ward, heading to the adjoining visitors’ room. 

Upon entering, she saw Brutus sitting there with a serious expression, while Catherine also wore a face full of worry. 

Catherine asked, “How is Yuvan doing?” 

“Yuvan seems to have calmed down. But why do you all look so upset?” 

Catherine glanced at Brutus and replied, “We just received the news that the Dragon Team has located Golden Hades and mobilized their forces to surround him. They have successfully killed Golden Hades.” 


Yasmine’s eyelid twitched. “Did they find out about our connection with Golden Hades?” 

Catherine said, “This is exactly what Brutus and I have been worrying about. Did the Dragon Team discover our connection with Golden Hades, or did Golden Hades reveal anything before his death?” 

Brutus lifted his head. “The death of Golden Hades is a minor issue. If we get involved, Mr. Weatherby will have to return to the north. Furthermore, the Zymnons family will inevitably bear the brunt of the blame. When that time comes, we will lose the Zymons family as a pawn in our game.” 

At this point, Brutus slammed his fist on the couch. “It’s all Finnegan’s fault. If it wasn’t for his people injuring Golden Hades, they might not have been able to hold him back.” 

Catherine was livid as well. “That’s right. All these problems were caused by Finnegan. We- 

“Vice-Captain Woulfe, we have the information you asked for.” 

As they were speaking, a member of the Daragon Force walked in. 

Brut face lit up with joy, “You’ve found information on Finnegan? Give it to me quickly!” 


He took the documents, and Catherine also moved closer. 

After they read the documents, the expressions on their faces had noticeably become more serious. 

Yasmine asked, “What’s wrong?” 


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