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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 Status 

Even a rabbit bites when cornered. 

Solomon’s resistance was destined to be futile. 

Finnegan jumped and seized the long whip that had torn Rhiannon’s skin apart. 

In the moment when Solomon was about to fire his gun, the skin on his hand was torn apart. 

Blood splattered everywhere. The intense pain made him involuntarily drop his gun as he cried out in 



Finnegan remained unmoved, and the second whip struck Solomon’s face. 

Solomon let out a piercing cry of pain. “My eyes!” 

This single whip not only tore apart his right cheek but also blew out his right eyeball. 

With great difficulty, Duncan raised his head. “Stop!” 

Finnegan did not listen. 

In the end, there was no telling how many lashes had been delivered. 

Solomon was rolling on the ground. His clothes were torn, his skin was ripped open, and his entire b*dy was covered in wounds. There wasn’t a single patch of skin left unscathed. 

Even his cries of pain and pleas for mercy had become faint. 

“Finnegan… please, spare me!” 

Finnegan swung the whip again, and it snapped into two pieces after this lash. 

He tossed the whip to the ground, his eyes still ablaze with anger and murderous intent. “You and I have no grudges, just a minor friction. Yet you treat me like an insignificant ant, trying to oppress me at your will, even without any restraint! Your pleas for mercy are meaningless!” 

For his own sake, as well as for the safety of his family, Finnegan could not possibly let Solomon live. 

He stepped forward and lifted his right leg. 

Solomon’s eyes widened as he realized something. He cried out, “No… Ahh!” 

All that could be heard was the sound of something breaking, and with a chilling scream, Solomon completely fainted. 

He had become an incomplete man. 

With an impassive expression, Finnegan slowly raised his right hand, ready to end his life. “Your conflict with me arose because of a woman. This is something you should never have had. You shall become a eunuch in your next life!” 

Just then, Duncan suddenly lunged forward, throwing himself onto Solomon. 


Finnegan’s gaze hardened slightly as he swiftly adjusted his strategy and restrained his power. 

Duncan spurted out a mouthful of fresh blood. 

Finnegan asked coldly, “Why bother? You can’t 



With great difficulty, Duncan lifted his head, his gaze resolute. “Several years ago, his father saved my life. I promised to protect Solomon unless I die!” 

After giving Duncan a deep look, Finnegan held no intention of killing him. 

He could tell that Duncan was a person with principles and boundaries. 

Otherwise, he would have followed Elsa’s wishes and faced Doom Star on stage last night. 

However, Finnegan was not willing to let Solomon off so easily even if Solomon had become a complete and utter wreck. 

Just then, Finnegan’s phone rang. 

He pulled out his phone and put it to his ear. Logan’s voice rang out. “Finnegan, you can’t kill Solomon, at least not by your hand. Otherwise, Seth will definitely use the excuse that you were instigated by the Wahlstrom family to tear up the agreement of the duel! His death will also prevent General Reynard from using Golden Hades’ affairs to warn and intimidate others!” 

Finnegan’s gaze darkened. “On what grounds?” 

Solomon could kill him and harm Rhiannon, but in the end, he still couldn’t take him down. 

Logan sighed. “I know you’re not willing to accept it, but Solomon absolutely cannot die at your hands, let alone in Jadeborough or Nuthana. His status is clear!” 

Otherwise, the Zymons family would use this to break the current situation. 

If Solomon were to die, they could no longer pursue certain matters, such as Golden Hades’ matter. 

Fearing that Finnegan would refuse, Logan pleaded, “I know this has nothing to do with you… All you want is to kill Solomon to avenge your sister. But to trigger a war between the Zymons and Wahlstrom families just for your satisfaction is not worth it!” 

Finnegan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

He didn’t want to listen to Logan’s advice, but he also understood the worries of Logan and others. 

The cost would be too great for countless people to be affected by his grudges and grievances. 

Opening his eyes, Finnegan sneered, “Status again… Sooner or later, I’ll make this ridiculous obsession with status worthless in front of me. Whoever I want dead can’t get away!” 

After hanging up the phone, Finnegan had already suppressed his inner urge to kill. 

“Duncan, would you trade your life for his?” 

Duncan looked up and said without any hesitation, “As long as you don’t kill him, you can take my life.” 

“All right!” Finnegan bent down to pick up Rhiannon and headed toward the staircase. “From now on, 




your life is mine. Once you’ve sorted out your affairs, come find me!” 

With difficulty, Duncan got up and bowed at Finnegan’s retreating figure. “Thank you!” 

A few minutes later, Finnegan emerged from the unfinished building at the East Residence. 

Cars were coming one after another on the road ahead. 

The Haimowitz family, the Miles family, the Langdon family, and the Wahlstrom family had all arrived. 

Alisha was the first to approach, expressing her concern. “How is your sister?” 

Wynter and Felix rushed over. “Mr, Larkin, we’re sorry. It’s our fault that we didn’t protect Ms. Larkin well.” 

Trey and Mandy had also arrived, each bringing dozens of b*dyguards with them. 

“Mr. Larkin, are you all right?” 

With a pang in his heart, Finnegan glanced at Rhiannon in his arms. “Rhia has been implicated because of me, her brother. It has nothing to do with the Haimowitz family. You have no obligation to protect her. I don’t blame you!” 


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