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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Apologize On Your Knees 

“My granddad wants to meet you!” 

Finnegan hadn’t gotten far from Dragon Bay No. 1 Villa when Romona’s car screeched to a halt in front of 


Finnegan furrowed his brows. “What for?” 

If it weren’t for Nathan today, he would have made sure that Yuvan died a horrible death. 

Even if he didn’t die that day, he would in the next few days. 

However, because of Nathan, Finnegan had to suppress his murderous urge. 

The thought alone was enough to irritate Finnegan. 

Why should those of noble birth be granted immunity from death? Do ordinary people deserve to die more than them? 

Romona frowned. “Finnegan, can you stop being so stubborn? Do you realize what will happen to you Yuvan dies today? 

You’ve now crippled Little Tyrant without having to worry about repercussions, so what more do you want? Do you know what the consequences would be if it was someone else who laid a finger on the Yuvan?” 

Finnegan opened his mouth but held back what he initially wanted to say in the end. 

“Fine, let’s see what Old Mr. Wright has to say!” 

Half an hour later, Finnegan arrived at the Wright residence together with Romona to see Nathan. 

Other than Nathan, there was someone else present- -Yasmine. 

Finnegan’s brows furrowed instantly as he turned around to leave. 

“Finnegan, what are you doing?” 

Romona suddenly grabbed him. 

With a quiet sigh, Nathan said, “Yasmine, apologize to Finnegan!” 

He paused for a moment, then added, “Apologize on your knees!” 

Yasmine’s b*dy shuddered, her face visibly grimacing. 

She had never apologized to anyone before, let alone on her knees. 

Recalling Nathan’s instructions from earlier, she had no choice but to suppress her reluctance and indignance. She stepped forward, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and knelt before Finnegan, lowering her head. 

Romona whispered, “Just let her speak. She’s already kneeling.” 



However, Finnegan remained expressionless. “I don’t treat those who have no sense of right and wrong!” 

He had ten non-treatment rules. 

One of them was to not treat those who were morally corrupt and were beyond redemption. 

Yasmine couldn’t distinguish right from wrong, blindly defending Yuvan. Her actions were a distortion of 

moral values. 

On top of that, Finnegan would never treat anyone when he was in a bad mood. 

Right then, his mood couldn’t be any worse. 

Visibly annoyed, Romona snapped, “You jerk, can’t you be a bit more flexible? Besides, this is your doing, it’s not like she was born mute.” 

“I refuse!” 

“Yasmine is, after all, the young lady of the Snape family. She has never knelt before anyone in her life, so you had better hurry up.” 

“I don’t care!” 

Seeing Finnegan’s resolute attitude, Yasmine frowned and stood up, her eyes filled with embarrassment and anger. 


She had knelt down, yet Finnegan still showed her no respect, spurning her dignity and pride. 

Visibly upset, Romona shoved Finnegan and exclaimed, “B*stard!” 

“Alright, Romona, you take Yasmine out first.” 

Nathan wasn’t too surprised by this. He sighed quietly and waved his hand dismissively. 

“D*mn it!” Romona cursed again, signaling Yasmine to leave the courtyard first. 

Nathan gestured at Finnegan. “Please, have a seat.” 

Finnegan didn’t sit down. Instead, he said, “Old Mr. Wright, feel free to speak your mind.” 

“It seems you’re still mad at me.” 

Finnegan said, “Old Mr. Wright, you’re thinking about the bigger picture, and you have your own considerations. I have no reason to be angry. After all, some people are born privileged, unlike ordinary folks like us, and they have immunity privileges. It’s only right that ordinary people like us should accept it!” 

Although he claimed that he wasn’t angry, it was clear that he was anything but that. 

Nathan gave a wry smile. “Come on, Finnegan.” 

He then said, “But you’re right, some rules are just that unfair, even we can’t break them. After all, society’s stability is more important than everything else!” 


Finnegan’s face darkened. “Suddenly, I find the declarations of equality to be truly laughable!” 

People with power act recklessly without fear, leaving ordinary people to suffer. 

Finnegan, who had experienced how helpless one could be five years ago, truly detested this feeling. 

Is equality really that hard to achieve? 

Nathan sighed lightly. “This is also why I asked Romona to call you over. Is not that you can’t kill Yuvan to make him understand that everyone is equal, but the real question is, can you take on the powers that are behind him? Do you understand what I mean?” 

Finnegan’s pupils slightly constricted. “So they can kill me a thousand times over, but I can’t take their lives?” 

Nathan nodded. “Yes!” 

With a cold laugh, Finnegan turned around indifferently. “Ridiculous, yet realistic, but that’s only for now. In the future, I will render things such as birthright… worthless!” 

Nathan stood up. “Everything has been escalated to Durbaine, including your crippling of Yuvan, but this is only temporary. After laying low for some time, they will return with a vengeance. You need to be prepared.” 

With a casual wave of his hand, Finnegan 

eclared in a murderous tone, “Let them come. Do they think 

just because I can’t take their lives in broad daylight I have no other means?” 

Watching Finnegan’s departing figure, Nathan quietly sighed and returned to his room. 

He then made a call to Durbaine. “The old man is right, Finnegan is not the type to swallow his anger. Today, he suppressed his murderous desire, but it’s uncertain if he can continue to do so in the future.” 

A bitter laugh came through the phone. “Let him do as he pleases. It’s about time someone like Finnegan showed those youngsters that their status won’t help them if they don’t know how to restrain themselves. When they encounter someone like Finnegan who shows no fear, they will meet their deserved end!” 

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. 


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