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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 The Reputation Of Finnegan 

The banquet officially began. 

Although Soren wasn’t fond of grand celebrations, Jeremiah and William invited many guests, arranging more than thirty tables for the occasion. 

Shortly after the feast began, guests started presenting birthday gifts. 

Representing the Langdon family, Mandy gifted a customized calligraphy set. While not extravagantly priced, Soren appreciated the thoughtful gesture. 

Influential figures like Gilbert and Winston also presented modest yet practical gifts. 

None of these items were particularly expensive as they recognized Soren’s preference for usefulness over opulence. 

Indeed, Soren was very pleased with the birthday gifts. So thoughtful of you. Thank you!” 

As the number of guests giving gifts dwindled, Bruce, who had deliberately waited until now, shot Timothy a look. 

The latter understood and approached with an exquisite wooden box. 

Feeling the gaze of everyone, Timothy stood tall and confident. 

When he reached the main table, he gave à slight bow. “Old Mr. Caulder, this is a birthday gift from the Jadeborough Zimmermans-a two-hundred-year-old snowleaf worth three million. I wish you good health and happiness in life.” 

Millicent proudly remarked, “So far, our family’s gift is the most expensive. Old Mr. Caulder will surely be delighted.” 

However, the smiling Soren suddenly became serious and waved his hand, saying, “This item is too valuable. Take it back.” 


The unexpected rejection left everyone bewildered. 

Millicent, wanting to make a splash, was particularly dumbfounded. 

Is this old man out of his mind? Why is he rejecting a snowleaf worth three million? 

Only now did Finnegan notice them. 

A mischievous grin played on the edges of his lips. “Are the Zimmermans really that ostentatious?” 

The birthday gifts presented to Soren are merely a token of kind gesture, yet the Zimmermans opted for something extravagant. Do they not realize that Soren, with his standing, values sentiment over material extravagance? 

Myla coldly remarked, “It might be tacky, and my grandpa won’t like it. Still, it’s better than some people coming empty-handed, right?” 


This remark was a subtle dig at Finnegan. 

However, Finnegan pretended not to hear, causing Myla to get a little annoyed. 

Timothy was now at a loss, unsure how to respond. 

Seeing this, Bruce had to put on a brave face and stand up to approach them. “Old Mr. Caulder, I know you don’t lack these things, but after all, it’s a token of goodwill from the Zimmerman family. Please accept it!” 

However, Soren remained firm. “I appreciate your gesture, but this snowleaf is too precious. I won’t take 


“Old Mr. Caulder, but-” 

Alas, Soren remained unyielding. “Take it back. I appreciate the sentiment!” 

The atmosphere instantly turned awkward. Bruce and Timothy’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 

Millicent felt her anger rising in her seat. 

Having a gift rejected, especially in public, was too embarrassing. 

Seeing the amused and mocking looks from many guests, Millicent wished she could find a hole to hide in. 

In her heart, she cursed Soren a dozen times. 

“Are you the Zimmerman family from Firebird Group” Desmond cautiously spoke as the Zimmerman family was about to become the subject of ridicule. 

Bruce had never met Desmond, but the latter was seated at the main table. 

Thus, he responded politely, “Yes!” 

“How is Bernice Zimmerman related to you?” 

Bruce’s curiosity was piqued. “She’s my granddaughter 

“So, you’re Bernice’s grandfather,” Desmond exclaimed. Confirming Bruce’s identity, he quickly stood up and warmly extended his hand for a handshake. “I’m Desmond Larkin. Finnegan is my son, and we are in- laws!” 

Timothy’s eyes turned wide. “You are Finnegan’s dad?” 

He looked at the people sitting with Desmond in disbelief. 

Does Finnegan’s dad have the right to sit with these people? Am I dreaming? 

Millicent’s jaw dropped open in shock. She muttered to herself, “How is this possible? Isn’t Finnegan’s family poor? How are they worthy?” 

Bruce was so caught off guard that he momentarily forgot to react. 


Soren asked, “Are you in-laws? 

“Yes” Desmond firmly shook Bruce’s hand and beamed happily. “His granddaughter. Bernice, just got engaged to Finny We’re in-laws.” 

Soren’s initial reluctance disappeared. 

He nodded and said, “So, you’re the family of Finn’s fiancée. If that’s the case, I’ll accept the gift. Have a 


A complex expression passed over Bruce’s face. 

Is there a connection between Finnegan and the Coulder family? Why didn’t Patrick tell me about it? 

He was no fool and could tell that it was all thanks to Finnegan. Otherwise, Soren would still refuse to accept gifts, let alone allow him to sit at the same table. 

But before he could figure out what was happening. Desmond had already dragged him to his seat. 

Bruce had no choice but to let Timothy leave first. He greeted the people present with an extremely unnatural demeanor. 

Normally, he wouldn’t have the privilege to sit at the same table with Gilbert and others. 

“Grandma, what’s going on?” 

Timothy returned to his seat, looking perplexed. He had no idea what was going on. 

Millicent glanced at Finnegan, her wrinkled face turning dark. “I didn’t expect this nobody to be this capable. It seems your grandfather’s attitude is changing again. 

After Desmond’s birthday celebration, there had been subtle changes in his attitude toward Finnegan. 

Several times, he had asked Bernice to bring Finnegan to their home. 


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