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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 55

Both of them behind her yelped, they then hugged her from behind, "You silly girl, where have you been? Do you know how worried we were? We couldn't even eat well because we were thinking about you. Look how skinny we got!"

"Hey, don't be so dramatic." Emmeline was being strangled by them and found it hard to breathe.

They were laughing and crying and people started to surround them.

The other students came to greet Emmeline seeing that she was back.

"Hey, where have you been in the past months? I went to your house several times but your mom wouldn't tell me where you had gone. And then there was your sister, who was avoiding us like the plague." Agnes held Emmeline's hand.

The class bell rang. Emmeline looked at them and sighed as she lowered her head, "It's a long story, let's go to class first. I'll tell you guys later."

"Okay!" They walked into the classroom. The teacher was already on the podium.

Emmeline was smart and diligent, she had been absent for a few months but she quickly caught up as Agnes and Lena taught her about the classes she missed.

The three of them walked to a corner of the school at break. Lena got worried seeing how hesitant Emmeline was about telling her story.

"Emmeline, Antonio got so sad after you left. He doesn't come to school very often now and doesn't pay attention in class."

"One time we saw him drinking in a pub at night. He was going crazy being unable to find you. Emmeline, he is serious about you."

Emmeline felt her heart ached upon hearing what they said, "How is he doing lately?"

"Not well, he comes to school 2-3 times a week. I heard that his father wants to send him toAmerica to study abroad soon." Lena stared at Emmeline as she said that.

Emotions were raging in Emmeline's heart. Even though she came back, she couldn't be with him anymore. Her identity was now rather awkward, and she wouldn't be a good match for him anymore.

Everything would go away with time…

"Emmeline, so where have you been in the past few months? Don't leave us hanging." Agnes couldn't help but ask.

Emmeline looked at their concerned eyes and decided to tell them about it. They were her only best friends.

"I…" She didn't know how to phrase it.

In the end, she gave in to Agnes' and Lena's questioning. She gritted her teeth as she said, "I got married. I got married to the Byrne Group's third son, Stefan Byrne!"

Agnes' and Lena's mouths were so wide open they could fit eggs, "You married Stefan Byrne, the current president of the Byrne Group, the handsome man in the wheelchair?"

Emmeline chuckled, what did they mean by the handsome man in the wheelchair?

Emmeline almost laughed out loud. Her two best friends were still in shock.

"My god, he is very handsome. Even in a wheelchair, he is still so charming. A lot of the girls in school cut out his pictures from papers and collect them. He is a famous person in X City right now."

"OMG! Emmeline, how did you get married to him? You are going to break so many people's heart. It was rumoured that he was being hidden away on an island for 9 years, and was just now back to take the position as president. So it was you who was accompanying him."

Emmeline looked at her star-struck best friends speechlessly. They seemed to be jealous of what had happened to her.

"Say, how are you guys' relationship? We heard that he's not attracted to women. But you married him, did you guys do it?"

"His legs are lame, so how do you guys do it? Do you go on top?"

"He appears to be cold, but is he nicer to you?" They bombarded Emmeline with questions. Emmeline took a few steps backwards.

She was speechless at their questions.

It was as if she struck gold being able to get married to Stefan. They didn't ask why she suddenly got married at such a young age but instead they were asking her ridiculous questions.


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