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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 60

She was sure she really hadn't offended anyone, and didn't think something like kidnapping could happen to her.

Deep into the night, the boat kept drifting on the sea.

In X City, Antonio and the police had mobilized the speedboats to chase them at a speed of kilometres across the sea.

At 3:00 a.m., they finally saw a boat appear in front of them, and Antonio immediately gave the order to speed up and approach that boat.

The people on board were completely unaware that at 1:00 a.m., a man had boarded the boat and he quietly hid in the room next to the cabin where Emmeline was imprisoned.

He came from the other direction in a speedboat and directly boarded the boat. While the two people on the boat didn't notice him at all.

The man had a tall figure and wore a mask. He gently opened the room where Emmeline was imprisoned with a wire. He saw a woman with her hands and feet tied, leaning against the wall.

His deep eyes emitted a cold light behind the mask!

The two men on the boat didn't even expect the police to be coming after them. Neither did they know that there was already a man on their boat who had all their information.

They were resting with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, the crew shouted in alarm, "Someone is approaching! They're stopping our boat."

The man named Olaf immediately opened his eyes and ran to the window to take a look, while Antonio was already one step ahead and about to board the boat.

Olaf immediately awakened the other man, "Someone is coming after us, let's throw the woman into the sea now and get out of here. Hurry up!"

Another man immediately stood up, "Shit, they're really gaining on us."

With that, they immediately opened the door of the room where Emmeline was imprisoned and rushed in.

Emmeline heard the door being opened, then the two men picked her up and headed out.

"Where are you taking me?" Weren't they going to take her to England? Could it be that they had changed their minds and they were going to throw her into the sea?

"Let me go, who had you kidnap me?" Emmeline questioned loudly, even if she had to die, she wanted to find out who was trying to harm her.

"You don't have to know it, for today is your day to die. We have planned to take you to England, but someone's gaining on us, so you have to die." The man looked at Emmeline with some pity.

When the two men dragged Emmeline to the side of the boat and were about to throw her out, the police had already boarded the boat and immediately pulled out their guns when they saw the two men. "Don't move!"

When Olaf saw that the people coming after them were actually the police, he immediately threw Emmeline violently into the sea, pulled out the gun from his waist and shot at them.

The police immediately dodged, and then the two men opened fire on the police. The moment Emmeline fell into the sea, the masked man in the cabin aside was aghast, and he immediately jumped into the sea after Emmeline, looking for her.

As her hands and feet were tied, after a few gulps of seawater, she was choked until she lost consciousness and her body slowly sank into the sea.

The masked man immediately took her in his arms. Looking at her tightly closed eyes, it was like a million arrows stabbed into her heart. He immediately covered his lips on hers to give her some oxygen…

After a while, Emmeline opened her eyes and looked at the masked man who was kissing her. She wanted to break away, but didn't have an ounce of strength. His familiar scent made her think for a moment that he was Stefan.

They were slowly floating upward in the sea as Emmeline finally couldn't hold on and passed out again. The masked man held her in his arms and immediately swam to the surface, taking her to the speedboat that Antonio drove over.

He immediately carried her into the room, squeezed her chest hard, and covered her lips with his wet lips again. Emmeline's mouth tasted of seawater.

The man sucked her mouth hard and it didn't look like he was giving her artificial respiration at all, but rather kissing her so hard, as if he couldn't wait to eat her into his stomach.

Seeing Emmeline slowly regain consciousness, he finally released her and before Emmeline opened her eyes, he lowered his head again and imprinted a fierce, lingering kiss on her lips.


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