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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 64

"I take you didn't know! Two days ago, Anayah gathered some gangsters, and they were planning on shipping my wife to England. When the police got there halfway, they threw her into the sea. As her father, do you really know none of it?"

"What are you talking about? Emme fell into the sea? Is she alright now?" Shocked by the news, Nicolas suddenly stood up. His hands began to shake. What if something happen to Emmeline?

"If she wasn't alright, I won't so politely ask you to come here!" Stefan raised his head with a look as cold as a steel and an air as wild as a wintry storm.

"What Anayah did, was a crime that would send her behind bars for more than ten or eight years. The reason why she hasn't been trialed is that I had not, for your sake, prosecuted charges. I would leave the matter to your capable hands and hope that you, Mr. Campbell, can offer an answer to my satisfaction! In addition, I hope my absurd marriage with your daughter, Anayah, can be concluded as soon as possible! I want you to begin the divorce procedure at once! If you keep stalling, I am not sure which will come first, my wife's death or the divorce!"

He just stared at Nicolas with those dark eyes of his. The unfathomed glittering in his eyes made Nicolas felt chilly.

"It's a sheer madness! You can rest assure that I will see to it that Anayah is properly disciplined this time! Thank you for your mercy! I promise that I will give you an acceptable answer!" then Nicolas jumped up, getting ready to leave.

"Mr. Campbell!" Stefan called.

Nicolas advancing steps halted at the doorway before he turned around.

"Emmeline is the Mrs. Stefan, my wife. And under no circumstances will I allow anyone to harm her!"

Too many contents were hidden in Stefan's eyes.

Nodding, Nicolas pushed the door out and left, while his heart beat was still accelerating. He could sense the sharp hostility in Stefan's look.

In the Campbell's, Nicolas pushed the front door open angrily. The maids were lowering their head and welcomed him, "Your Lordship!"

"Go ask Anayah downstairs!" He felt an irresistible rage.

"Yes!" the servants felt something terrible was about to happen.

Hearing her father's voice, Anayah walked downstairs, feeling rather ominous, "Dad!"

Having seen her father's angry face when he walked near the coach, she started to feel dreadful.

Slap! Nicolas slapped on his daughter's face heavily before Anayah could avoid.

Bruises soon emerged in her pale skin.

Anayah threw her father an unbelievable look. Since her childhood, her father had never hit her!

"Father, What's wrong with you!" She screamed.

"What happened?" hearing her daughter's scream, Lucia walked out of her room.

"What happened? You should ask your daughter what happened! She kidnapped Emmeline and threw her into the sea. This is what your daughter did! That's her sister she tried to murder!" Nicolas's trembling fingers was pointed at Anayah.

Lucia stared at Nicolas with eyes wide-open and said, "What's the nonsense are you talking about? Anayah is so very kind! She won't even harm an ant. How could she possibly have anything to do with Emmeline's kidnapping?"

Nicolas glared at his wife harshly, "Why don't you ask herself? If I haven't begged for Stefan's mercy, she would have already been sent into prison!"

Lucia turned around and looked at Anayah, "Honey, is this true. Was it really you?" She still had trouble believing that her daughter would be capable of such a thing. It must be Emmeline's lie, that treacherous bitch! It had to be!

"YES! It's me! I want that bitch dead!" Anayah covered her face while giving Nicolas a secret stare.


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