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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 23

Thus, in Susan and Sherry's bewilderment, William and Liam started to walk ahead of them towards the street located next to AVL.


"God! Is this the William I know?" Susan was dumbfounded.


"Ms. Gill, do you know Mr. Rowland?" Sherry asked curiously.


"Yes! I've known him for about ten years!"




“Ah what? He was my junior in school!”


"Junior?" Sherry was dumbfounded. Susan and William looked similar in age. Mr. Rowland must be around thirty years old.


"Puzzled? It appears that I don't look my age but I'm already thirty two years old!” Susan sighed, "I can't escape the reality of time!"


"No, Ms. Gill, you are not old at all!” Sherry shook her head.


“You can drop the Miss and call me Sue!” Susan looked at her.


"Okay! Sue!"


“Hurry up, you two! Dearest Sue, are you trying to back out of treating us?” Liam was shouting from the front.


“Let's walk quickly! That clown is hastening us!” Susan referred to Liam.


"Then how long have you known Mr. Brooks?"


"They are both my juniors in school!" Susan shook her head in despair, "I didn't expect their personalities to change so much. After ten years, their personalities actually swapped!"


Sherry was listening intently to what Susan said. Can personalities be swapped? Wasn't it said that a leopard can't change its spots?


The eyes of the lady boss of the restaurant almost popped out when she saw the two handsome men dressed in business suits walk in.


“Hi! Madam, can we have a private dining room?" Liam said as he entered the shop.


“I'm sorry, Sir, we don't have private rooms here.’ The lady boss said apologetically. She had never expected someone of their stature to eat at her little restaurant!


Susan walked in at this moment.


“Ah! Ms. Gill, you're here as well!"


“lll take my usual seat” Susan said to the lady boss, "these three are my friends. Please carry on with your work."


Susan walked to a table that was next to the window. Although there weren't any private dining rooms, each table was separated by brick walls and was relatively private.


“Are the two of you accustomed to this kind of place?” Susan asked as she signaled Sherry to sit inside.


“It looks alright!” William also shuffled inwards and sat opposite Sherry.


Sherry raised her head and looked into his deep eyes. She felt a sense of dread inside her but she looked calmly at him without showing any signs of weakness.


The clear large eyes looked directly into William's eyes, “Mr. Rowland, Sichuan cuisine is very spicy!”


“Really?” William looked at her enthusiastically and gently pursed his lips.


His dashingly handsome face was expressionless but was delighted, "I like spicy food!"


He replied while looking at Sherry and she didn't know how to continue with the conversation. Thereafter he took out his lighter and it was an expensive-looking silver-colored lighter. He lit a cigarette and elegantly blew a stream of smoke at Sherry.


"Cough... cough...’ Sherry choked and coughed and pursed her lips when he didn't take the hint to smoke somewhere else.


“Mr. Rowland, can you smoke outside?" Susan frowned and said, "This is a public area and please be considerate to the two ladies here. We don't want to breathe your second-hand smoke!”


"Dearest Sue, why don't you smoke as well? Then we'll all breathe second-hand smoke and no one will be on the losing end.’ Liam joked as he took out a cigarette and was about to light it up.


“Smoke outside!" Susan grabbed the cigarette in his hand and threw it onto the table.


"Sue, you're unfair!" Liam yelled, "Why don't you grab Will's cigarette?"


“Will you put it out by yourself or shall I do it for you?" Susan said to William.


William took another drag and said, "I'll do it myself”


After he said, he really put out the cigarette which he barely smoked.


"Not fair!” Liam continued to say.


Susan looked with disdain at the smiling Liam, "Don't eat if you feel that it's unfair. No one dragged you here!"


"Susan!" Liam ground his teeth and scoffed. Why did this woman like to bully him? She should bully William if she was so capable!



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