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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 24

“Cough, cough! It's so damn spicy!" Liam started coughing after a bite.


“Hey! Don't eat it if you can't!" Sherry immediately stood up and poured him a glass of water after seeing him that way, "Here, drink some water!"


“Sherry is so kind!” Liam took the water and drank it.


William somehow felt irritated at the sight of Sherry, who was so concerned with Liam.


"Drink some more! Cold water helps easing spiciness!” Sherry said.


“Ah! It feels way better!” Liam shook his head.


His face was fully red and his shout were so sudden that many people watched them.


Seeing how he couldn't eat spicy food, Sherry immediately walked out and ordered a dish without chili, "Mr. Brooks, the boss said that she would make you a portion without chili... Don't worry!"


“Thank you!” Liam was very grateful towards Sherry.


When she returned, William was raising the cup with his slender hand.


He swayed the teacup in his hand and sipped it gracefully, "Tea!"


"What?" Sherry knew he was talking to her.


"Tea, please!" William said it again.


After taking a deep breath, Sherry immediately looked expressionless, "Yes!"


She then walked over to William and poured the tea for him.


Because she was a little depressed, she accidentally poured the tea to the lighter on the table.


"Damn it!" William suddenly shouted, looked up, and pushed Sherry.


“Ah!” Sherry's hands trembled out of shock.


The teapot just fell onto the lighter.


William hurriedly picked the lighter up. He didn't mind the hot tea splashing on his hands at all.


He took the lighter and rubbed it onto his expensive suit until it dried up.


He tried to light it up, but there was no flame at all.


“I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Mr. Rowland! Are your hands okay?" Sherry apologized in anxiousness.


“Damn it! Why were you so careless!" William's eyes looked angry while shouting.


He stood up and glared at Sherry's pale face with his sharp eyes.


His handsome face was full of anger at that time, scaring all the people around him.


They would even be very careful when taking a breathe there.


Sherry was stunned. She felt aggrieved, and her eyes reddened at his shouts.


“Will! You scared her!" Liam was stunned too. But Liam immediately kept his mouth shut after seeing the lighter in William’s hand.


Sherry was surprised to see William's full of hatred face. At that time, he was like an evil.


The tea scalded his hand until it was very red, but he treasured that lighter like it was his life instead.


Slowly, her beautiful eyes were full of tears.


She opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.


Sherry bit her lips so badly.


She really didn't do it on purpose... But she could understand his feelings, that lighter must be very important for him.


William's gaze was sharp and his voice was cold.


He spoke with a thin but dangerous voice, "You're really damned"


Sherry kept stepping back in fear.


He intently glared at her with his fiery black eyes, "Get out of here’


“Mr. Rowland, Sherry is my guest!” Susan spoke up at that time, "Would you go that far for a lighter?”


“Same goes for you!" William coldly said that.


"Will!" Liam shouted again.


"Everyone, get the hell out of here!" William sat down dejectedly.


"I'm sorry!" Sherry felt that the lighter must be very important to him.


He didn't even care about his own hands to save the lighter... She's really damned!


Liam was stunned before he hurriedly said, "Elegance, elegance... Will, where's your elegance?"


William stopped talking, but he looked so glum that no one dared to say a thing.


A meal caused the lighter incident and made everyone lose their appetite.


Sherry took the folder and bowed to William, "Mr. Rowland, I'm sorry... I'll compensate you a lighter!"


After saying that, Sherry quickly ran outside.


She looked extremely pale.


"Sherry!" Susan glared at William and chased after Sherry.


“will! You overreacted!" Liam sighed, “You should let go of your past to welcome the future! It's time for you to get it!"


“Sherry! Wait!" Susan chased after Sherry, "Are you okay?”


Sherry's eyes were so red, “I carelessly broke Mr. Rowland's lighter, I think that lighter must be very precious for him! I can understand it!"


This time, Sherry wasn't angry.


She felt very guilty instead.


“Sherry, don't mind it!” Susan patted her shoulders.


“Susan, thank you... You talked to Mr. Rowland for me. I really didn't do it on purpose!" Sherry bit her lips and smiled bitterly, "I understand the feelings of losing my most precious item!"


"Celia, sorry!" Sherry felt very sorry to say that, "Last time I ruined your clothes, and now I'm borrowing your money!"


“Why are you still so formal with me? Aren't we best friends?" Celia didn't let her off so easily, "Are you sure you want to buy such expensive lighter to compensate your boss?”

"There's no other way, I broke his lighter by accident!” Sherry sighed.


"Sigh! All right! We'll buy it!" Celia thought that it was too expensive, "Is it worth it to waste hundreds of thousands to buy a lighter?"


“Even if it's more expensive, it's not as precious as what he was holding!" Sherry sighed, "I'm just worried that I won't be able to return your money these few months!"


"Stop talking about money! So tacky!"


Sherry finally bought the similar silver $.T. Dupont lighter. Her boss said that it was supposed to be around 50 thousand yuan. Celia had an acquaintance and they could buy it for 30 thousand yuan only.



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