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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 34

James looked up and sighted Amelia and another man from where he stood. He looked closely and noticed they were closer than usual.

‘Are they kissing?’

He stormed to where they were, his heart was racing like a train, his respiration increased, and he was perspiring heavily.

‘Why would another man take advantage of my wife in an open place like this? In my Casino!’

He got to where they were, he grabbed the young man by the hand and pulled him away from her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He asked, and didn’t wait for him to answer before he threw a punch at his face.

“Mr. James!” Amelia called in awe.

“Don’t you dare call my name! What do you think you are doing? You wrapped your hands around him, like you were enjoying whatever he was doing to you?!”

“She didn’t do anything wrong, okay? Who are you anyways?!” The young man answered, cleaning the blood that busted out from the corner of his lips.

“I am her f**king husband, and who the hell are you?! Why are you kissing my wife?”

The man looked at Amelia and could see fear written all over her. She was breathing very fast, and she was so sweaty.

“You don’t have to know who I am. If you truly care about your wife, you would know she needs more attention from you! Dude, your wife was crying, and you have no idea. Honestly, I believe she deserves better from what I can see.”

“You have no right to talk about me like that! You have no idea who you are dealing with!”

James began to approach him in rage again when Amelia hurriedly ran to the front of the man and made James stop.

“He didn’t do anything, Mr. James. I was the one that initiated the kiss. He is innocent!”

“What?” James creased his brows in disbelief as he stared at her.

“You intentionally kissed him?” He asked, feeling so stupid for trying to defend her.

He had thought he was taking advantage of her innocence, but it became clear that she was the one who wanted it. He hated that he had to get involved in the first place.

“I kissed him, and I’m sorry about that,” She mumbled.

James grabbed his hair and bit his lower lip in regret. He looked around and noticed no one was around them.

This made him a little calm, because he wouldn’t want to see himself in the news the next day with stupid headlines, like he was defending his newly married wife, when she was the one to blame.

“I’ll leave you two to sort out your sh*t,” The young man mumbled and walked out on them.

Amelia wanted to call him back and apologize for putting him in that kind of situation, but she feared what James was going to do to her.

She swallowed hard as she stared at James, searching for the right words to say to him.

“I’m sorry, Mr. James.”

James raised his eyebrows and scoffed. He began to move closer to her, and Amelia’s heart pounded against her chest at every step he took.

“You’re sorry?” He asked, and she bounced her head slowly.

‘How will I tell him I wanted to know if he was going to get jealous if he saw me with another man?’ She thought.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t want to kiss him, but when I saw you with the woman, I got so mad and wanted to forget about what I saw.” She lied.

After she finished talking, a smirk slowly crept up James’ face, and he let out a little laugh.

“So, you kissed a man because you wanted to get back at me? Did you think that was going to make me regret what I did?”

Amelia gulped hard again and shook her head. It was beginning to go as not planned.

“I had to intervene because I didn’t want any stupid news about me and my Casino on the news, stupid woman! Almost everyone knows we are married, and any stupid thing you do can be out there on the internet because you don’t know who the hell is watching you! The next time you try such a thing, I promise you, you will hate me more than you already do.”

He moved away from her and tucked his hands in his pockets, he shot her a deadly look and turned to leave.

“So you didn’t feel jealous at all? All you cared about was your Casino and the news?”

Amelia’s voice was shaky as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with tears, and they began to stream down her face.

“Jealous of what? Jealous of you? I would never be jealous of you, woman. I don’t care who the f**k screws you. Just don’t f**king disturb my name and business.”

Amelia broke into more tears at the realization that James would never care about her.

“Why can’t you care about me?! Just a little bit, Mr, James. I have never done anything wrong to you. Why do you hate me so much?”

James heaved a sigh and strutted back to her again.

“Why would I care about you? Take a good look at yourself, Amelia! Look at you! Look at how unprofessional, unfashionable, ugly, you look. I hate women that look like this, okay?! You disgust me.”

Amelia’s feet wobbled as she heard James’ last sentence. All her life, she has always wanted someone to love her, when James came into her life, even though it was in a rough way, she hoped one day he would be the one to love her too. But, at this point, she lost hope that he could ever love her for who she was.

“Leave this Casino, go and get a Hotel. We will meet at the airport tomorrow morning.” He muttered and began to walk away again.

“So if I stop dressing like this, you are going to like me? Even if it’s a little bit?”

James ignored Amelia’s question and kept walking away.

After minutes of crying, Amelia cleaned her tears with the back of her hand and headed out of the Casino.


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