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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 35

Amelia and James flew back to Alabama in the same airplane, but they totally ignored each other. Amelia tried looking for ways to talk to him, but James wasn’t ready to even look at her.

Though Amelia was sad that he was totally ignoring her this time around, Fred was busy texting her over the phone. He said funny things that made her smile and sometimes giggle out loud.

James often stole glances of her and saw her smiling while checking her phone. He wondered what or who could make her so happy over the phone.

They got to Alabama in less than two hours and they headed straight to the company. They had a lot of work to do.

Amelia was glued to her chair for more than three hours, organizing files, preparing documents, organizing and distributing messages from different departments.

James on the other hand left for another meeting at his father’s company. It was a meeting Freddie was going to attend too.

Amelia was still working when she perceived a familiar scent in the air. She creased her brows and lifted her head to see Ava in front of her.

‘I guessed right. It’s her cologne.’

Ava was standing in front of James’ office, she knocked on the door and waited for him to respond. She didn’t want him to get mad at her for barging in again.

She didn’t notice Amelia at first, but when she was waiting, she eventually looked back and saw Amelia staring at her.

Her face wrinkled into a frown as she stared back at her.

“Why are you staring?” Ava asked, folding her arms.

Amelia shook her head and looked at her computer. She resumed her work and acted like she didn’t see her in the very first place.

Ava rolled her eyes and turned to face the door. She knocked on it again, this time without patience and out of frustration that Amelia was watching her.

‘Why won’t he f**king answer me?’ She thought angrily.

She finally lost it and reached for the door knob. She tried to open it when she realized that the door was locked.

She knitted her brows and tried to open it again. Every time she visited his office, his door was never locked, except he wasn’t on seat.

‘But if he isn’t around, why wouldn’t Amelia tell me?’

She turned to look at Amelia and saw her busy on her computer. She paid her zero attention.

“Where is he?” She asked, walking to Amelia’s desk.

“Where is who?” Amelia responded without raising her head.

“You know who I’m talking about. Where is James?”

Amelia smiled faintly and looked up. “You mean my husband?” She asked again, and Ava clenched her jaws.

“Are you out of your mind? What are you trying to do? Are you trying to rub it in my face? Such guts!”

Amelia exhaled softly and looked at her computer again. She could feel Ava burning in rage, but she wasn’t moved by it.

One way or the other, she didn’t care about what Ava was going to do to her.

All she wanted to do was to show her that she wasn’t going to keep being the Amelia they always bullied.

Ava expected a response from Amelia, but she got none and this made her even more furious. She made an attempt to move closer to Amelia, but Amelia raised her hand and stopped her.

“Whatever you want to do, I’d advise you not to do it. Things could get very ugly.”

Amelia looked at her again and stood to her feet. Deep down, she couldn’t recognize the person that was talking anymore. She had developed more courage than she thought she could ever have.

“Wow.” Ava blinked in awe. She was too shocked at Amelia’s reaction.

Since she knew Amelia, she never spoke back at her, and the one time she tried it, she almost broke her leg.

‘Where is that courage coming from?’ She thought.

“Please leave, Ava. The one you seek isn’t here. And I have lots of things to do, distraction is one thing I despise when I’m working.”

Ava’s eyes widened as she heard Amelia’s words. She was more shocked than angry.

“Who do you think you are? You think you can talk to me rudely because you are married to a man that will never love you?”

Amelia swallowed hard after she heard her last statement. It broke her heart to keep hearing from others that James would never love her.

She pushed that sad thought away and smiled widely at Ava.

“Well, I should consider myself lucky enough to have married him. He doesn’t love me, but I get to live with him, to make him breakfast. What do you get Ava? He will never love you and still you can’t get any closer to him.”

Amelia scoffed and shook her head. She heaved a loud sigh when she saw the great expression of shock on Ava’s face.

“Like I said. I’m busy, Ava. Next time you want to visit him, call the company first, book an appointment. It's easier that way.”

She shifted her attention from Ava after talking and resumed working.

She didn’t want James to return to half-done work. She wanted to do everything to please him so that he could talk to her at least.

Different thoughts began to rush through Ava’s head. How she wasn’t going to let Amelia go scot-free for talking rudely to her. How to make her regret staying in James’ house in the first place.

In rage, she said no words to Amelia, instead she stormed to the elevator and punched the button.

‘I’ll make you pay. You will watch me take back what is rightfully mine! No matter how long it takes.’


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