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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13

By the time Jace had rushed to the apartment, Sienna was already kneeling on the floor. With her face in her hands, she sobbed.


Jace appeared like a hero to Sienna. At the sight of him, she rushed into his arms and cried out, “Jace, help me!”

Jace noticed the bright red mark on Sienna’s left cheek. His expression darkened immediately and he glared at his mother. “Mom, why didn’t you tell me that you were coming over?”

Freya Yuriel, the eldest daughter of Grandpa Yuriel, looked imposing and charismatic even though she was bound to a wheelchair. Like Jace, her eyes were also filled with ice.

“Well, did you ever care to tell me of your divorce, or when you decided to hide this woman here?”

Freya’s legs were covered with a blanket that had been embroidered by Sage, and the shawl over her shoulders was also a gift from Sage.

Freya held up her hand and the lady behind her took the hint that she wanted a cigarette.

Jace frowned and said, “Sienna is ill. Please don’t smoke in front of her.”

“Oh really?”

Freya exhaled a puff of smoke through her mouth. She glanced at the coffee table and said nonchalantly, “For someone who has been diagnosed with gastric cancer, she sure can enjoy a cup of coffee. So tell me, how is she unwell? Though, I’ve never seen you care for Sage when she had low blood sugar levels.”

Sage again.

Jace’s eyes darkened as he replied coldly, “Sage Luz and I are divorced. There’s no point bringing about her up now.”

Studying her son carefully, Freya smirked. “Look at my son, isn’t he as heartless as his dad? I shouldn’t have given birth to you if I had known that you were going to be such a heartless b*st*rd.”

At the mention of his father, Jace gnawed on his lips and his expression turned frigid.

“You don’t want to talk about Sage? Fine. Let’s talk about this woman next to you then.”

Freya took another drag from her cigarette as she cast a disdainful glance at the woman sobbing pitifully in Jace’s arms. “You can drop the act. Out of all the things to pick up, how did you pick the habit of seducing married men, just like that shameless aunt of yours? Are you waiting for your man to save you? Don’t you forget that that man of yours is my son.”

Gnawing on her inner lip, Sienna cursed Freya in her heart, but she did not dare let it show on her face. With tears welling up in her eyes, she kneeled down in front of Freya and pleaded with her.

“Aunt Freya, I know that you hate me because of the dispute you have with my aunt. Uncle Spencer and my aunt were truly in love with each other, just like Jace and I. We’ve loved each other for so many years, and if it wasn’t because of what happened back home, and you… you trying to stop us, I wouldn’t have to spend those few years abroad, let alone breaking up with Jace. We would have gotten married, and you would already have grandchildren…”

“Ha, you can dream on.”

Freya could not bring herself to listen anymore. She interrupted Sienna, “Listen well, Sienna Zelda. Even if all the women in the world are dead or my son would have to grow old alone, I will never allow you to be a member of the Yuriel family. Do you understand me?”

“This damn old witch!” Sienna cursed silently in her heart.

Gritting her teeth, Sienna wanted to drag Freya out of her wheelchair. If it were not for Freya, the Zelda family would not have had to declare bankruptcy, and she would not have had to suffer abroad.

It was all Freya’s fault. Sienna desperately wanted to kill Freya with her own hands.

Jace helped Sienna to her feet, and he stationed himself in front of her before meeting his mother’s eyes. “Mom, I make my own decisions regarding my marriage. You don’t have to worry over such things. Zayne, please escort my mother home.”

Zayne, who had been standing aside all this time, had tried his best to make himself invisible. Upon receiving Jace’s orders, he could only follow his employer’s orders.

“My son has definitely grown up, hasn’t he? He’s actually kicking his mother out of the house. Isn’t this amazing?”

Freya clapped her hands while scoffing, “Son, I lost my legs the year your dad decided to betray me. If you have the nerve to marry her, I’ll make sure to send a large wedding present on your wedding day. Try me; if you dare.”

Seeing his mother leave, he clenched his fist and punched the wall with a loud bang.


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