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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 628

Chapter 628

The night seemed extra dark in Salem City tonight, not a single star could be seen in the sky. 

“Mister Jace, the posts and comments were all deleted, the search terms were removed too. I had sent presents to those ‘righteous’ passengers too.” Zayne reported to Jace. 

Jace did not look up, but only said a brief “okay” 

He was staring at the webpages, and repeatedly listened to the audio interview of the pilot, he could almost imagine the actual situation that happened that day, and could picture Sage’s attitude during the event. 

She must have been traumatized. 

Even though she always kept it cool in the eyes of the public, he knew very well that in such a circumstance when her life was hanging onto the thread, nobody would be not scared about it. 

If only he could be by her side during the moment. Mister Jace looked troubled and had mixed feelings about it, Zayne did not want to intrude, but there were some things that he had to say. 

“Mister Jace, Miss Sienna came out of the hotel.” 

Jace looked up at Zayne, and frowned slightly. 

Zayne passed his phone to him, Jace took it and scrolled through. He saw a series of Sienna’s photos. 

They hired two detectives to follow Sienna. 

Sienna had not left the hotel since she arrived in Salem City. Peter Walter was here for one night, and after one more night at the hotel, Sienna boarded a cab and went to another hotel. 

“Did you investigate the car plate number?” Jace asked in a hushed voice. 

Zayne replied, “Yes I did, Peter was extremely discreet. The car owner was his cousin, and the hotel was owned by his wife’s brother.” 

Jace muttered, “That is quite a lot of relatives he has.” “Quite a lot, yes.” Zayne said, “Peter was born poor too, and he climbed his way up into his current position. It was not an easy journey. He divorced twice before this, but his career progressed. He is in an open marriage with his current wife, they both are permanently staying apart, and live their own separate lives. Mrs Walter is quite open with her personal life, and is always seen in and out of certain venues. Peter himself is relatively more cautious and conservative, he sees more weight in his status and power, and rarely messes around out there.” 

Jace looked at the two person interacting intimately in the car. He was still expressionless, ” How did they hook up with each other?” Zayne pursed his lips and said again, “It’s… Your father, he bridged them.” 

Jace looked up, his gaze was cold. 

“I even got news that Luna is seeking medical parole, she will probably also be released early.” 


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