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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 744

Chapter 744 It rained earlier and the roads were wet and the air was cold

Sage was dressed in a halfsleeved suit with a white blouse beneath, and on her wrist was a watch embellished with emerald green gemstones. She exuded charismatic and sophisticated 


As soon as Sage and Luther stepped foot into the health center, the employees at the Mostal greeted them politely

Sage nodded her head to return their greetings. They arrived at Yales wardroom. There were not a lot of people in the room aside from Tim and Quest. Tim sat on the sofa with his legs crossed whereas Quest checked on Yale. Sage brought a bouquet of Calla Lilies that were in full bloom. Tim.” 

Sage greeted Tim and turned to look at Yalé who was on the bed

Yale had tubes all over his body and he looked pale and frail. He could not even open his eyes. His face was somewhat swollen too

Iceman, howre you doing?Sage showed him the bouquet of Calla Lilies and greeted him

Yale turned his head slightly to look at her, tugged at the corners of his lips, and smiled

Tim inhaled sharply and glared at Sage, What did you call him?” Sage immediately corrected herself. Yale, Ill call him Yale, okay?” 

Yale looked at her and a smile was still on his face

Yale almost burst into laughter at the thought of how Sage sounded when she sang

Quest greeted Sage and Luther as aunt and uncle. Even though he was only a few years younger than Sage and Luther, Quest was still considered a junior in terms of ranking

It was rather warm in the room. Sage handed the flowers to Luther for him to put them into a vase and removed her coat. She then asked Quest, How is he?” 

Quest passed the examination report to Sage and explained, Uncle Yale underwent two surgeries and we tried to put back the bones as much as we could. I would say that Uncle Yale is quite a tough guy, but the injuries were quite serious. The car incident this time broke all his bones again and he is lucky to have you as his surgeon, if not, he would not be recovering this fast.” 

Sage looked through the xrays, frowned, and said, His cervical spine is injured quite badly.” 


Quest replied, Its rather serious. The injury is comparable to men in their fifties who hurt their cervical spine. Uncle Yale would have to attend physio sessions and take good care of himself.” 

Luther, who listened at a side, could not stand it anymore. I mean, could you guys not talk about the patients condition in front of the patient? Do you not even care about how he feels

Sage looked at Yale. Even though he looked calm, the light in his eyes was faint and dimmed

Anyone would experience having their world crashing down on them after such a tragedy

However, Sage thought that Yale held up fine. He was not hopeless nor did he break down


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