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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 24

Diana ignored Sally’s making a scene and went back to her room, packing up her stuff quickly.

Then she went to the living room and said to Sally, “Save your house to yourself, and I’m leaving…”

Sally stopped her yelling after hearing Diana’s words. She hastily grabbed Diana’s arm while Diana was walking outside. “Stop! Don’t you ever think I’ve wasted my youth on your father, the loser, for nothing but a house?”

Diana was shocked. “What else do you want?”

Sally rolled her eyes and said, “Your company. Diana, you are supposed to share your company with me as it was established by your father’s investment. You have just graduated from the college for two years, and you were too poor to start your business. It was your father who invested your company. Now that your father was dead, you should share your company with me, your father’s widow.”

It occurred to Sally that Rosy called her in the morning that Ray Group had agreed on the renewal of a contract with Diana’s company. Rosy hoped Sally could take good care of Diana, but Sally wanted to take advantage of Diana’s company…

Diana parted her lips, her tears desperately trickling down, and she slowly swiveled herself to look at Sally. “Sally, could…could you be more shameless? My company? Fine, take it…”

Sally didn’t expect Diana could easily agree with her, and she said gently, “Well…You need to go to industrial and commercial administration to change the legal person of your company…”

Diana shook her hand. “The legal person was my father. I’ll tear up his will so that only you and I can inherit the company. I’ll write a statement to give up the company…”

“Very good. I’ll go to get you a pen and paper…” Sally instantly dashed into her room to find her pen and paper…

When Diana grabbed the pen in frustration, she thought of Judson who always came to her rescue…

After Diana wrote the statement and leave her own fingerprint on it, Sally awkwardly flashed a smile and said, “Diana, don’t blame it on me. I’m too old to make a living, but you are young enough to start your business again, not to mention you’ve read in college. Plus, you’re so beautiful that Arthur wanted to marry you, which means his money will be yours…”

Diana sneered, “It’s none of your business as we don’t have any relations. I’ve finished what my father asked me to do…”

Diana swiveled to shoot Sally a look as she walked to the entrance. “Sally, you’ve ruined my father’s life, as well as half of my life. I’ve put you in my blacklist. From now on…You’re just a nobody to me…”

Sally smiled awkwardly and chatted with Arthur’s mother to ignore Diana’s words. After Diana left, Sally said to Arthur, “It’s not that I’m heartless, but I’ve lived a hard life as my husband passed away, and Diana wasn’t my daughter. I have to plan for the rest of my life…”

Arthur frowned without a word, while his mother said, “Sally, now that Diana isn’t your daughter and Diana won’t marry my son, give back my money that you borrowed from me six months ago, as well as your gambling debt. Otherwise, I’ll call the police…”


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