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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 87

Sally suddenly realized that it was so. Old Lady Shaw and Dexter thought Diana had known Bruce for a long time.

The reason why Bruce was good to Diana and hired Diana to the Ray Group as a senior executive was because Judson saves Bruce’s life. If the Shaw family needed Bruce’s help, they should find Judson instead of Diana!

Sally knew the fact, but she would not tell Dexter. She had no affection for the Shaw family. And since she had married in to the Shaw family for twenty years, she was angry about them! Now Dexter came to her, she could do whatever she wanted.

Thinking of this, Sally sighed deliberately and put on a embarrassed look, “Dexter, it is not that I don't help, Diana had been working in the Ray Group for a few days. She only knows Mr. Bruce. I really can do nothing. I am a member of the Shaw family. Now the company is in trouble, how can I not help?”

Sally said seriously, Dexter almost believed her. But he knew Sally deliberately said so and wanted more chips.

To tell the truth, Dexter was angry in heart. Why should he lower his status to Sally? He didn't have to come here. But Robbie and Juliet screwed the thing. The Shaw’s company was about to go bankrupt, he could only come here to beg Sally!

Thinking of this, Dexter suppressed his anger, sighed deeply and said to her, “Sally, I apologize to you and Diana on behalf of the Shaw family. Please help to talk with Diana and Judson. If anything is needed, just tell me, I will pay!”

Sally gave Dexter a deep look. She understood the meaning of Dexter's last words. He thought she wanted more. In fact, Sally really had that thought. Judson and Diana remarried this morning, now they had no money. Since the Shaw family was willing to offer a house, why not take advantage of this opportunity to get a bigger one?

So Sally said, “Ok, Dexter, I will talk with Judson and Diana. But I am not sure whether they could help.”

Dexter nodded and said, “Well, thanks a lot. How about having dinner together tonight?”

Sally put a hand way, “No, now the company is busy. I will talk with them at night.”

“All right, thank you, Sally.” Dexter left.

More than ten minutes after Dexter left, Sally called Judson and asked him to come back with Diana to discuss.

In the living room, Sally told the words of Dexter to Judson and Diana. Then she let them to make the decision.

Judson thought they could not agree to help, but he wanted to know what was in Diana’s mind.

Judson asked, “Diana, what do you think?”

Diana frowned and said to Judson, “Judson, I know you have a grudge against the Shaw family, but they are all my relatives. I don't want to see the Shaw's company go bankrupt, help them. If it is difficult, we just can let it go. We'll do our best anyway.”

Judson frowned deeply, became it was him to make the Shaw family come into the current situation.

“Diana, Bruce and I are friends. If I talked to him, he might help. But are you really going to help the Shaw family? What have they done to you all these years? Have you forgotten?”Judson took a deep breath and said to Diana.

“Yes, Diana, I agree with Judson. The Shaw family treats you badly. Your grandma forced you to get married a few days ago.” Sally said.

Diana shook her head, “Mom, Judson, my father worked in the Shaw’s company all his life. I don’t think he want the company go bankrupt.”


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