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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 103

Trigger warning - mention of sexual abuse (not explicit)


I peek up at Sinclair from beneath my lashes, trying to gauge his frustration level. It’s obvious he’s displeased that I defied him, but I can tell he’s also glad to be home after what was certainly a very long day. Moreover, I think my words to his father helped assuage some of his guilt, and he’s feeling more affectionate towards me than he might have a few minutes ago.

“I have to say that I missed you?” I profess, sliding my arms around his neck. “And you’re the most handsome man in the whole world?”

Sinclair flashes his fangs, emitting a dark chuckle and swinging my legs up into his arms. “Flirting with me isn’t going to get you out of this, sweetheart.” He ducks his head and steals a kiss before mounting the stairs up to his room, “though it’s very cute to watch you try.”

“Who said I was just flirting?” I object, leaning my head against his chest, “I really did miss you.”

Sinclair doesn’t pause as he carts me up to the fifth floor, never breaking a sweat or getting short of breath. The way he acts you’d think I’m as light as a feather – though with his supernatural strength it probably feels that way. “I missed you too.” He finally replies, pushing through the bedroom door. “I hate being so far from home when these things strike.”

“You must have had a really rough afternoon.” I observe, studying his drawn features and fatigued demeanor.

Sinclair drops onto the sofa, keeping me in his lap, “Rough is an understatement.” He sighs, sounding as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders. Of course, this isn’t far from the truth. I snuggle closer to him, wishing there was something I could do to ease the monumental burdens he’s shouldering. A contented rumble vibrates in his chest, and Sinclair smiles down at me. “It’s getting better by the minute though.”

I tilt my face up to his, silently asking for a kiss. He arches a brow and for a moment I’m afraid he’ll reject my affection, but I needn’t have worried. Sinclair lowers his lips to mine, and my heart begins to race. The moment our lips touch electricity zings through my body, setting my nerve endings alight. It’s every bit as thrilling and all-consuming as the first time, and I quickly find myself getting carried away in the experience. Unfortunately it ends much too soon. Sinclair pulls back, leaning his forehead against mine and purring, “You can’t distract me with kisses either, little one.”

He grimaces, and I know I’m not going to like what he says next. “Besides, kissing is a gateway drug. We’ve got to try to stop.” His arms tightened around me as he spoke, as if his body didn’t agree with his words – or maybe it was his wolf.

Adopting an innocent expression, I reply. “I have no idea what you mean. A gateway to what?”

Sinclair laughs, kissing me again even though he just said we shouldn’t. This kiss is longer than the first, because just like he said, it’s getting harder and harder to stop the longer we continue. My blood heats to a sultry simmer, and wetness pools at my center as Sinclair’s lips, teeth and tongue go to work, making me forget that anything exists outside of this moment. “Goddess, why couldn’t you just be a wolf?” He breathes when we part.

A sharp sting punctures my elated mood, bringing me crashing back down to earth. It’s a crushing reminder that I’m not enough for him – that I’ll never be enough no matter what I do. Seeing the hurt painted over my face, Sinclair winces. “Oh Ella, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“Yes, you did.” I murmur, trying to keep my voice steady. “And you’re right – I’m not.”

Sinclair is shaking his head, looking miserable. “I didn’t mean that I want you to be anything other than what you already are – just that it would mean we could actually be together, and I want that more than I can say.”

I nod, fighting back tears as I disentangle myself from his arms, and move to the cushion beside him. “It’s okay, Dominic, you don’t have to explain.”

“I shouldn’t have said it.” Sinclair insists fiercely, reaching for me as if he wants to pull me back into his lap. He stops himself when I stiffen, seeming to realize I need some space at the moment. “I’m truly sorry, Ella.”

I nod again, not meeting his gaze. If I try to talk about this now I’m sure I’ll start crying, not to mention I’m still so turned on that I’m finding it difficult to sit still. The last thing I need is for Sinclair to know how excited my body is, when he’s just hit me in my weak spot.

Sinclair’s nostrils flair, and his eyes begin to glow. I wonder if he’s scenting my arousal, but a moment later he’s cursing and rising to his feet, “I’m going to go take a shower. You should try to get some rest. We can talk about your bed rest tomorrow.”

I watch him retreat into the bathroom, feeling strangely dismayed. Apparently flirting and kisses can’t get me out of trouble, but acting like a wounded butterfly can.

That’s a good thing, right? It means we got away with it. Despite the statement, the little voice in the back of my mind doesn’t sound pleased at all.

I know the feeling. Then why in the Goddess’s name am I so disappointed?


3rd Person

Across town, in the hallowed halls of the royal palace, the Prince sat in darkness.


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