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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 439

#Chapter 439 – Coronation Ella

Sinclair and I wake up only a few short hours later, our clothing spread out all over the bed and floor all around us, because today is the big day.

I groan a little when I feel Sinclair stir.

“No,” I murmur, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him back down. Or, I should say that he lets me pull him back down. Because there’s no way I’m strong enough to physically make my big scary Alpha do anything he doesn’t want to do.

But he is sweet, and obliges me.

“I know,” he murmurs, cupping my face in his gigantic hand. “I’m sorry, trouble. But we’ve got to get up and look pretty for our big day.”

“Let’s just go ugly,” I sigh. “Really… lower expectations for the rest of your reign. You can rule in sweatpants and t- shirts. They’ll call you the Comfortable King.”

He laughs, and I can feel him shake his head. “Come on, Ella,” he cajoles. ” Don’t you want to look pretty to match the crown?”

I crack an eye open, tempted. Because honestly, I forgot about the crown. I’ve been very much looking forward to the crown.

He laughs again, looking down at me. There she is,” he says, smiling at me. ” My little magpie. Come on, gorgeous.”

“Fine,” I sigh, sitting up straight with a pout. “But I am having two cups of coffee today, which means that that one-” I say, pointing to the baby, “is going to be all jittery all day.”

“A compromise I think we can accept for one day,” Sinclair says, pulling me close. I turn my face up to him, sensing that he wants it, and Sinclair kisses me long and lingering. As he does he passes feelings to me down the bond pride, and happiness, and a great deal of contentment.

And I pass him back my own feelings much the same, as well as a great deal of hope and pleasure to see him lead this nation for which he’s fought for so long. When Sinclair breaks our kiss, he beams down at me.

“Thank you,” he murmurs, shaking his head at me in wonder. And I smile back. “You’re going to be a wonderful King, Dominic.”

He wraps his arms tight around me, taking a deep breath, simply accepting my faith in him. And I let him hold me tight and warm, pleased to the end of me to see this day finally begin.

We only let go of each other when Rafe gives a little squeak, wondering why we’ve let him lay alone in his little crib for so long even though we clearly know he’s awake.

Sinclair and I both laugh.

“He wants in on the love,” I say happily, crawling away from my mate and getting out of bed to gather my little baby in my arms.

“It’s a big day for him too,” Sinclair says, likewise getting out of bed and coming over to the two of us, kissing Rafe on the head. “He’ll be a Prince, after all, once the day is done.”

“Hear that!?” I say to the baby, laughing a little. “Little Prince Rafe! Cutest little heir to the throne that there ever was!”

“True, ” Sinclair murmurs, dropping a kiss to my head too and then moving towards the bathroom as I take Rafe to his changing table to get him ready for our big day.


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