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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 440

Chapter 440 – The Crowd’s Approval


We move immediately to the grand hall of the palace, where we met our delegates a few nights ago. Sinclair and I wait quietly in a little room off the side of the entrance for everyone from the first room to move to their chairs in the second, where there are already thousands of people waiting. While there was only room in the first chamber for a small selection of our population, the grand hall is much larger.

And it’s packed.

I squeal a little bit with excitement as I peek through a little velvet curtain that covers a window on the door, excited to see so many people gathered to celebrate with us. I lift Rafe so he can see too, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see my sister’s beaming face.

“Ella!” she laughs as I squeal and wrap my free arm around her. She wraps her arms tight around me, rocking me back and forth. “I’m so happy for you both,” she murmurs into my shoulder, laughing a little. ” Unanimous! It’s unprecedented!”

“Happy for all of us!” I laugh, pulling back to grin at her a little. Rafe reaches for her, happy, and Cora gives him a kiss and a cuddle, but doesn’t take him from me. Not yet.

I glance behind Cora to see Roger happy at Sinclair’s side, their father with them. They’re speaking with a couple of the Royal aids, who are showing them something on an ipad.

“What is that?” I ask.

“Probably footage from outside,” Cora says, still smiling. “It’s crazy out there, Ella. The streets are filled.”

“Oh,” I say, my expression suddenly falling with worry as I glance towards the door. “Is that…safe?”

“No, the crowds are all really happy,” Cora says, her eyebrows going up. There aren’t a ton of humans, but those who are there are celebrating.” She takes a moment to smile at me softly. ” They’ve done a lot of analysis and polling, Ella, and they say that the humans were largely convinced to support Sinclair’s reign because of you.”

“What?” I ask, confused. I mean – I haven’t even been in the public eye for long –

“Yeah,” she says, nodding eagerly. ” They know that you cleared out the refugee camps and got all of those people help – and they love your story orphan girl, who found her mate by chance, and didn’t even know she was a wolf? And they don’t know the details of your divinity or your magic-but there are lots of rumors of your healing going around, and everyone is very excited about what you can do, and the fact that you’re using your gift on the most needy populations. You’re kind of like…beloved, Ella!”

I blush at this and swat her away. ” That’s ridiculous, Cora,” I murmur. ” I’m sure you’re exaggerating – it’s all for Sinclair – ”

“No,” she says, serious now. “It’s real, Ella. Wolves and humans alike – they love you.”

I look at the floor a little, blushing harder – and I find that even as I desperately hope that it’s true, I can’t really believe it.

Because I mean I want the people to know that I love them and I’m going to help them. But beloved? That just seems-

“Ready?” Sinclair says, coming over and looking between Cora and I. Roger grins at me from beyond my mate.

“Oh, she’s ready,” Roger laughs, ” She’s been waiting to get her hands on that crown for weeks now.”

“Don’t be jealous, Roger,” I say, raising my chin at him and pretending to be haughty. “Just because you don’t get a crown.”

“It’s true,” he sighs, pretending grief. “I just get a stupid necklace.”


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