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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Loneliness

After Laurel hung up the phone, she didn’t dwell too much on the matter. She knew that the Reed family had a vast network of connections, making it easy to investigate Leon

Laurel speculated that Hayden’s exceptional abilities in the previous life were likely connected to the support from the Reed family

But what she couldn’t understand was why the Reed family didn’t let Erik become the owner and instead supported Hayden

She had not heard that the Gilbert family and the Reed family had a good relationship

Laurel couldn’t figure it out, so she stopped thinking about it

One day she would know


She is now standing on the same front line as Hayden, and it would be best if she had the help of the Reed family

She focused all her attention on her work

She forgot about time as soon as she started working

When she realized, it was already 8 o’clock in the evening

She stretched her lazy waist

Chapter 150 Loneiss 

738 Mouchers 

She looked at Mike, who was still waiting for her in the office with great respect

Mike had no complaints and was as quiet as if he didn’t exist

At that moment, she carried a hint of apology, Sorry, I have. just started working and it will take me some extra time.” 

It’s okay. Mr. Gilbert has already briefed me. I know you will be very busy.” 

You called me Laurel.” 

Mr. Gilbert did not allow.” 

Laurel was speechless

Hayden didn’t let Zion call her that, nor did she let Mike do so

She took a deep breath and remained calm

Anyway, she didn’t need to care about a title

She said, I finished work.” 


Laurel walked out of the company with Mike

Mike drove the car and it was very quiet inside

Laurel was feeling tired. She gazed at the neon lights outside Rosegrad City, lost in thought

Occasionally, when she quieted down, she would wonder if 

everything she was experiencing was truly real

Could it be that these were just a dream?! 


Chapter 120 Lonelines 

The sudden ringing of the telephone brought Laurel’s thoughts back

She glanced at the incoming call, answered it, Shelley.” 

Do you know who I saw in Acme Club?Shelley said mysteriously


I didn’t want to hear that name!Shelley said unhappily

Laurel chuckled lightly and asked, So, who did you see?” 



Didn’t you see that he wasn’t quite normal?Laurel remained indifferent

I also saw a woman next to him.” 

Isn’t it normal for him to have a woman by his side?!Laurel remained calm

Laurel should not have had any emotions

It was just… 

Hayden said that he was loyal to her. 

Indeed, a man’s words are not to be trusted

The words Hayden said just yesterday, he couldn’t even stick. to them for a day

He was your husband. He had other women around him, and you actually say this is normal?!Shelley’s voice was 

Chapter 120 Lonel mess

noticeably raised

She was still waiting for Laurel to witness the scene

Me and Hayden were not what you thought.” 

Wasn’t it the way I thought?” 

Anyway, whatever he did, it had nothing to do with me,” 

Laurel didn’t want to explain

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Are you sayingShelley elongated her tone, summarizing, that you and Hayden were legal partners!” 

Did I guess it right?!Shelley concluded confidently, not receiving any response from Laurel

Laurel was speechless. Just stop guessing about me and Hayden, I know my boundaries.” 

You were betrayed.” 

Shelley, you had time to care about my matters, why not think more about yourself,Laurel didn’t want to continue this topic anymore

What happened to me?! I was fine. Paul loved me a lot,Shelley said smugly

I don’t know what to say to you, so I won’t say anything,” Laurel inexplicably became a little angry

Laurel felt that no matter what she said, Shelley would not believe her


Chapter 123 Loneliness 

She felt a sense of powerlessness


  1. Vouchers 

You don’t have to say it.Shelley was also a little angry. One day, when a woman gets pregnant and comes to threaten you, you will regret it!” 

Do you think this is a romance novel?!” 

Novels originated from life.” 

Sometimes Laurel really couldn’t argue with Shelley

I hung up the phone,” Shelley directly ended the call

At the moment Shelley hung up the phone, she was still a little angry

She stared at another woman near Hayden, who they were behaving too intimately with

Hayden was a bad man

She turned around and went back to the private room

Everyone in the private room was indulging themselves to the fullest

Shelley also indulged for a while. The moment she calmed down, she suddenly felt a sense of loneliness after the revelry. It was as if her heart was empty

She leaned against the sofa, recalling what Laurel had said

Laurel said to let her take care of her emotions

Externally, Shelley always claimed that she had a great relationship with Paul. However, in reality, apart from being 

Chapter 120 Loneliness 


extremely obedient to her, Paul was not that close to her

She approached him, and he would avoid her

She wanted to be intimate with him, but he would avoid it. 

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She said she wanted to marry him, but he said to wait for a while

Shelley chuckled selfdeprecatingly


Paul really felt that he was not worthy of her, or he simply didn’t like her at all

If Paul didn’t like her, why would he take the initiative to confess his feelings to her

Shelley drank alone, using alcohol to suddenly alleviate her depressed mood

Long time no see

Shelley felt drunk

She rarely got drunk

Actually, she wasn’t too drunk

It was a feeling between being drunk and not being drunk, which was the favorite state of every alcoholic

So at that moment, she excitedly walked out of the private 


Her footsteps were a bit disordered


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