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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 256

Chapter 256 Waiting For You To Take The Initiative 

In the darkness

It was very quiet

Listening to Hayden’s heartbeat, Laurel felt drowsy

Why did you suddenly stop today without asking me?Hayden suddenly spoke up

Laurel was startled

Laurel suddenly woke up due to an abrupt question

She took several seconds to react before understanding what he said

I’m afraid it might touch your wound,” Laurel replied calmly

At first, Laurel felt disappointed

But soon regained sanity

Hayden’s wound had not yet healed. Doing intense exercise would strain the wound

Moreover, Robin made it very clear earlier. Hayden’s injury was close to his heart, and he could easily die if not careful

No,Hayden retorted to Laurel, I was waiting for you to take the initiative.” 

Laurel was speechless

Chapter 256 Waiting For You To Take The Initiative 

Laurel laughed

780 Vouchers 

Laurel suddenly felt that Hayden being too confident was also a good thing

At least they didn’t have sex

If Hayden hadn’t suddenly stopped tonight, she might have actually had sex with him. Afterwards, she was absolutely certain that she would have regretted it

She regretted her impulsiveness

No matter how indifferent she was to material possessions, she still didn’t want to casually have sex with anyone

She did not want to be mistreated by men

Laurel did not refute Hayden

She was already coming back late, and with the two of them entangled for so long, it was already 2 am. She had to make sure to get enough sleep. Tomorrow, or rather, every day, there would be many things to do

She turned over and faced away from Hayden

It was obvious that Laurel intended to go to sleep

Hayden, however, didn’t pay attention and continued, Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to be refuted?” 

Laurel frowned

Was he talking in his sleep

What boring things did he say

Chapter 256 Waiting For You To Take The initiative 

1188 Mouthers 

Hayden hugged Laurel and said, I suddenly felt like I didn’t have to wait for you to make the first move.” 

Laurel was speechless

Men are dogs

Laurel’s entire body stiffened because Hayden wasstirring

Hayden!Laurel exclaimed in frustration

Hayden tried to keep himself calm and then held her tightly. He seemed to be restraining himself, trying not to move or think too much

But holding Laurel, it was hard for him not to overthink

I couldn’t breathe.Laurel was really being driven crazy by Hayden

Hayden said, I was also holding it in.” 

Hayden wanted to curse at someone

Laurel fell asleep under Hayden’s torment

Laurel was afraid that she would fall asleep and be suffocated by Hayden

Lost in thought

She seemed to hear Hayden saying, Laurel, I don’t want you to regret…” 

Was she dreaming

Was Hayden still murmuring in her ear

Chapter 255 Waiting For You To Take The Initiative 

She was really tired

She was so tired that she couldn’t distinguish between reality and dreams

The next day

Laurel’s alarm clock rang

Hayden hung up directly

Laurel twisted her body slightly. It was clearly rubbing against him

Hayden’s body stiffened

Who was tormented by sleeping on the same bed with Laurel

He took a deep breath and slowly relaxed himself. He embraced Laurel and continued sleeping

Laurel woke up

Feeling refreshed and invigorated

She had a feeling of not having had a good sleep for a long time, a feeling of having slept so soundly for a long time

She glanced at Hayden beside her

He seemed to be still sleeping

I thought she would not sleep well if she slept with him

However, it was unexpected that she had been sleeping well all this time, despite sharing the same bed

Chapter 56 Waiting For You To Take The ave 

I didn’t know if Hayden was the same as her

She suddenly laughed

243 Moucher 

Looking at such a handsome cheek, she felt a sense of relief

Hayden’s appearance really had an advantage. Men with looks like his, even if women knew he was bad and unreliable, they would still like him

Her fingers couldn’t help but tap Hayden’s straight nose

How could someone’s nose look so good

Even a nose job could be so perfect

She just stared at his face blankly

Sometimes Laurel deliberately avoided looking at Hayden’s lips

She always felt that his lips had a magical power that would make women unable to resist the urge to get closer… 

Just like this moment

She glanced at his lips a few more times. It seemed like she was already deeply immersed in them


How could she take the initiative to kiss

She kissed his lips voluntarily

Gently kissed, a way to express love for beautiful things

There was absolutely no other meaning

Chapter 256 Wating For You To Take The initiative 



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