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After Rebirth I Married My EX- Husband's (Enemy Laurel) novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 Hayden Blushes

Laurel kept watching the news of yesterday’s wedding

The Scott family’s embarrassing ending indeed made her feel very pleased

She looked for a long time

There was a knocking sound outside the door

Laurel quickly got up and opened the door. 

The servant outside the door respectfully said, Mrs. Gilbert

it’s time for lunch. Please come downstairs.” 

Okay, we will come down in a moment.” 

Okay, Mrs. Gilbert.” 

Laurel closed the door and glanced at Hayden on the bed, calling him, Wake up quickly. It’s time for lunch.” 

Hayden remained motionless

Laurel approached a little closer, Hayden, wake up.” 

Hayden remained motionless

Laurel was speechless

Why did Hayden sleep so deeply

Does the fragrance of lavender really have a sleepinducing 



Chapter 47 Hayden. Buster 

11 vouchers 

Laurel, feeling helpless, walked over to Hayden’s side and gently nudged his shoulder, Wake up. Weah!” 

Laurel screamed in fright

In that moment, Laurel was grabbed by Hayden and immediately slammed down under Hayden’s body. Hayden’s movement was so fast that Laurel didn’t have time to react at 


As she realized, Laurel felt a soft lip pressing tightly against. hers

Hayden pinned her down and forcefully kissed Laurel

Um…” Laurel resisted

What was Hayden doing

She twisted her body

Laurel was clearly protesting, but having Hayden pressing on her seemed even more urgent… 

Meow!Laurel emitted a catlike sound

This sound made Hayden feel excited

It had been a long time

Hayden suddenly let go of Laurel

Laurel was lying beneath Hayden at the moment, her face was very red

Chapter & Hayer Blushes 

I didn’t know if Laurel was shy orangry

Laurel was probably angry

Because Laurel looked very angry

But Laurel’s angry appearance also made Hayden want to kiss. her

So at that moment, Hayden lowered his head again

When Hayden wanted to kiss Laurel

Laurel suddenly covered Hayden’s lips with her hand

Can you be serious for once!Laurel exclaimed in frustration

Hayden watched her angrily

Hayden was very infatuated

So Hayden pouted his lips and kissed Laurel’s hand covering his mouth

Laurel’s heart skipped a beat

Instinctively, it withdrew its little hand

Hayden smiled brightly and said, In the future, just wake me up like this 

Laurel thought, I won’t wake you up even if you sleep. forever!” 

Hayden stood up

He showed a reluctant look

Chapter 67 Hayden Blushes 

Laurel took a deep breath

Laurel’s heart would race every time Hayden caught her off guard

She adjusted her emotions and watched as Hayden changed clothes and opened the door

Laurel followed Hayden outside

They had just walked out of the door

Ah!Laurel suddenly screamed

A white shadow leaped towards Laurel and went straight for her face, grabbing it

Laurel was startled. She watched as the white cat was about to approach her face. The next second, an arm directly blocked her face, while at the same time, another hand 

forcefully threw the cat away. The ragdoll cat fell at the feet of a figure

The cat immediately emitted a plaintive whimper, as if crying, Meow, meow” 

The figure quickly picked it up, resembling a cat, in a state of fear on its face

Laurel didn’t notice Tina and the cat in front of her. It seemed like Hayden got injured when he just helped her block the attack

Laurel grabbed Hayden’s arm and rolled up his sleeve. There were two long scratches on his arm, not only breaking the skin but also oozing blood

Chapter 47 Hayden Brushes 

Laurel quickly asked, Hayden, does it hurt?” 

Hayden glanced at Laurel and then turned to look at Tina, who was trembling while holding a cat. His expression was extremely unpleasant

Tina felt that Hayden was angry and quickly shook her head to explain, Pamela didn’t mean to.” 

Pamela was obviously the name of the cat

It really wasn’t intentional. It’s usually very gentle, it mus have been scared just now. Hayden, Laurel, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I will definitely educate Pamela well, I willTina’s originally fair face suddenly turned red. She looked visibly frightened

Laurel also felt that Hayden was very angry

But Tina felt guilty

Laurel quickly said, Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t intentional. Let’s have a doctor come over to the house later. and take a look.” 

Um.” Tina was filled with tears

Laurel was also afraid that Hayden would blame Tina again, so she quickly grabbed Hayden’s hand and said, Let’s go 

downstairs first. Let the doctor come and check if you need to get a rabies vaccine.” 

Hayden was pulled away by Laurel

After leaving

Tina instantly revealed a cold smile. She gently stroked her 

Chap 1 Hayden Huthm

48 Vouchers

beloved cat, praising it with a delicate and pleasing voice, So obedient.” 

The downstairs lobby

The news of Hayden getting his arm scratched by a cat quickly spread among all members of the Gilbert family


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