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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 3


  So let me fill you in, on what's happened,  the last five weeks since I've been back. I found I'm mated to Blake Landon. He's Alpha, and head honcho to our pack. Yes, he proposed to me the night we reunited, after we had amazing sex.

  Do I feel he's in love with me? I know so! even if he tries to fucking deny it... I see the way he drools over me. I dress sexy in front of him on purpose to provoke him, especially when we're alone.

  When I'm out of the room, he usually demands I go change or there are consequences. He hates another wolf's looking at me, giving them an evil stare. When I want him to take me then and there? I protest to go change because the consequence is just that, he loses control and takes me, claiming me his, again. Whether it's in his office or our room, it doesn't matter, he'll rip my clothes off and takes me.

  He demanded my things got changed from my room to his room. Which honestly, I don't mind, it's a much big bigger and better room them my old one. 

  I made him have a fit a few days ago when he came back from a two-day business trip. I hated the style he had in his room, so I had someone come in and changed the whole decor to our room. It went from his boring bachelor look to a more boho chick style. He was really pissed off, but he got over it, not like he has a choice now, does he?

  We got married two weeks ago, I know... it was quick. He didn't even let me pick out my own damn dress. I had a little say on what I wanted, but, he refused to allow me to partake in any shopping.

  Thankfully, Luna Christy helped with everything for the wedding. It was rather romantic, and elegant if I may add.

  The whole pack came and celebrated with us. Luna Christy has rather good taste, and she kept my opinion in mind the whole time. We had an earthy theme, with shades of blush, navy blue, and burgundy for my colors in the decor. He wore a handsome navy blue tux, white shirt, and burgundy tie. 

  He looked extremely hot. My dress was a simple rustic lace gown, with a heart shape top and it flowed beautifully, long round tail in the back, with beaded flower patterns. I was in awe, at my dress, it was beautiful.

  Last week, we had our official Luna ceremony.  The pack that I once could care less about being part of? Is now the dearest thing I hold in life, well... besides Blake of course. Although he's still pissing me off daily.

  We had no honeymoon, because well, we don't need it. We sleep together every night, and he is freaking amazing in bed.

  He's demanding, rude, arrogant, he is a fucking asshole, ALL THE TIME. I don't get how behind the walls when we are ready to go to bed, we can have some amazing sex but comes the day he treats me like his own personal maid.

  The morning after I came back, he told Mrs. Tally to put me to work. Mrs. Tally is the head lady in the packhouse. She takes care of the agendas for the food, the cleaning, and pretty much everything. There's a total of ten or so ladies who I have become fond of, and I  care about so much. When he is undetected they don't hesitate to take over my long list of tasks. They clean and help with the chores in the house, run errands for me, and pamper me without him knowing.

  Every day, he wakes up, and he's ready to work by 6 in the morning. I'm used to waking up at that time, or earlier if I have to. But, to get on his nerves, I act like I am completely worn out, and refuse to get up. So he lets me stay in bed until breakfast is ready to be served. He demands I eat breakfast with him and all the members of our pack that stay in the house. Then he just gets up without saying a word, hands me my paper with the chores he wants me to do for the day. Then leaves to his office without saying a single word to me, just a single kiss on my head, sometimes on my forehead, or a small peck on my lips.

  I have to do everything, before meeting him for lunch, in which I am obliged to bathe and dress nicely for him and the members that join us at the table once again. No one is allowed to eat until I make myself present at the table, which I felt bad about the last time I was running late, and they waited for me for over an hour and a half.

  If he feels in a good mood, I'll have the afternoon off. If I piss him off, he gives me more shit to do. Again, everything must be done before we meet for dinner. Where he expects me to dress elegantly for him. Though for dinner, it's just him and I at our table. Most of the time he doesn't say a word, just sits there quietly eating. But I gotta say, it feels more intimate, just him and me, together, in comfortable silence.

  I hate this.... especially because I have to act like a stupid little princess in front of him. His perfect little damsel in distress. I have no say, he refuses to let me train with the rest. of the pack, or allow me to go alone for even a single run.

  Today, he had the bright idea to make me wash his clothes. I know! you're probably thinking, ok not so bad? except, we have fucking laundry machines! And he is making me wash all his clothes by hand! Not even indoors, but outdoors! in the hot blazing sun.

  Ok, so, I guess, It's not such a big deal! I've done it before. I've had to wash my clothes in the middle of nowhere before. But it makes me mad, because I know he's doing all this shit because I left for five years without telling him, it's his way of payback. 

  How can I explain to him that I had no choice? I did it for our pack, for him, for my family, so they all stayed safe. I promised alpha Brock I'd keep it a secret. No one was allowed to know. So how can I tell him? He thinks I just left and went on to be at a stupid university for five years studying and partying away, while he stayed here, waiting for me to come back.

  Uuggh, this is so fucking annoying.

  I told him I wanted to train, acting like I've not trained in all this time and I need to start training so I can help protect the pack. But he refused, saying I was too weak and I'd get hurt....are you kidding me? Weak? I wanted to punch him when he said that. But I knew if I did? I probably would of regret doing it. His face is too sexy to be punched.

  Now I'm here, washing his damn clothes, and Jazzy, who I dragged along.... keeps laughing her ass off the whole time she's helping me. She gets stuck helping me clean since she's part of my whole secret anyway. Besides, she has now officially become my brother's second chance mate. So, she's family.

  I was really hurt when I heard the pack was attacked a year or so after we left. He had already found his mate, who belonged to the crescent moon pack, she had come with the purpose to be with him. They were going to get married soon, but she was killed during the attack.

  "I can't believe he is actually making you wash his damn clothes by hand. This is epic, Sel. I wonder what else he has in store for his little maid? Kind of Kinky if you ask me." Jazzy says. I slap his shirt on the rock and place my hand on my hip before I snap back at her.

  "Shut the fuck up, and help me out Jazz. I'm tired, and my damn back hurts already." She laughs throwing her head back and nodding while she drains his shirt, twisting it with her hands.

  "You know what? Fucking Screw this shit!....he wants clean laundry? he'll have clean laundry!" I get up, grabbing all the clothes we had already finished, and ball everything up together in a big mountain pile. I grab the bottle of bleach and pour the whole liquid on top of his clothes. Mind I say most of his clothes are either business suits, or dark-colored, but mainly, business attire.

  I drain every ounce of that bottle and let it sit for a few minutes, before I rinse, and hang it to dry. Now, to wait for his reaction!


  I tap my foot profusely at the floor. My hand pinching my nose and eyebrows narrowed, eyes glued shut from the frustration I was feeling. 

  I know, maybe I've been giving her hell, but she made me go through hell for five fucking years without even saying anything, or coming home, even for a visit... I ran around for five years, trying to look for her. Just so she can come home like nothing? For all I know she was fucking partying away, while I was here trying to be a responsible alpha, responsible adult, and finishing college at the same time. All while protecting my pack from fuckin rogue attacks.


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