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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 33

  Third Person POV 

  Tyler hung his head. His wounds were now completely healed. Though the shackles on his arms still held the sting from the tight grasp on his arms, the wound around his wrists was unwilling to heal completely. He was tired and sore from being in this position. It had been over twenty-four hours since he was brought here. 

  His stomach grumbled and his throat felt dry and raspy. Just thinking about food made him salivate, giving his stomach churned from the bitter taste of his own mouth. He had been here for over a day after all.

  'Damn it, Blake! Where the fuck are you? I bet you went to your grandpa's house first before coming to my damn rescue.' He thought to himself smiling. A small, barely noticeable smirk on his face. 

  The door creaked open. Entering Tasha with a tray with a plate of food for him. She smirked as she stepped closer, placing the tray by the table on the right side of him.

  "Hope you're hungry! I made you a little bit of oats and berries, with toast and coffee. I'm not that good at cooking but I try!" She ranted away as if the situation he was in was completely normal.

  He stared at her eyes, noticing they were completely dilated, he realized she was still under the manipulation spell. He had to somehow get her out of it. If he could just remember what Blake had told him. How the hell do you undo a manipulation spell on a werewolf?

  "You know? I can't really say I will enjoy it." He smiled as he composed himself seating straight.

  "Oh.... why is that? Do you not like oatmeal?" Her expression softened and she held one arm over the other to the side.

  "Oh, I do. It's just, I'm tied up. I can't eat with my hands tied behind my back."

  She placed her finger by her mouth thoughtfully. "Huh? You're right. I guess I can untie you so you can eat. But you gotta promise you won't run or hurt me. Ok?" She went behind him taking the keys from her jeans pocket and undoing his wrists from the shackles cuffs.

  His arms were sore and he gripped his wrists slightly to succumb to the pain caused by the silver of the cuffs.

  She placed them on the table along with the keys. 'Bad mistake!' He thought to himself. 

  In one swift move, he jolted up, shifting to his wolf and knocking her across the room. She fell unconscious to the ground, and that was the chance he had been waiting for. He takes off, keys in hand as he shifts back to his human form.

  He's fast, taking off running, but he's not as fast as he would be in his wolf form. He runs as fast as he can, knowing they could be right behind him.

  He runs towards the woods, up towards the hilltop. Crossing past the many trees, jumping over old trunks, and boulders. He bares his claws and cuts off the many branches standing in his way.

  Just as he gets near the top, covered with huge boulders and trees, he gets sighted by Gavin and Jazmin who run after him. He frantically, running as fast as his speed can take him, he can hear them nearing. 

  Gavin's growls make him want to stop and attack. He jumps one last time and shifts back to his wolf and turns sneering at them.


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