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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 37

  "Hey, hey it's ok. You guys are alright!" He eases her body and places his hands, gently cupping her face. Slowly wiping away her tears with the back of his finger.

  "He.... he was aiming at you! I thought he was going to kill you!" Her voice breaks with the feel of the knot in her throat as tears continue to descend from her eyes.

  "Why did I feel the need to protect you? I don't even know you! I'm sorry I don't want to seem like a psychotic, but... I just-" she stares into his eyes, lost for words as he hears her sweet voice, closing the gap between them.

  He slowly Grace's her lips and kisses her softly. Her arms slowly wrapped around his waist. He places his forehead against hers and sighs deeply.

  "My name is Tyler." He whispers, his eyes closed as he caresses her cheek with his right and holds her by her waist with his left.

  "I...Uhm... I'm Emily. Emily Mitchell." Her heart raising at a million per second. Feeling her mind clouded and her body shaking.

  "Thank you guys for coming to our rescue. We... we don't know how to thank you. But, this....this isn't normal! How did you manage to tear these guys into pieces like this I don't understand! " Blake walks towards the girls who are still frightened and amazed. 

  Tyler closes his eyes and sighs. "Emily, I'm afraid those guys are not normal guys. Just like us... they have the scent of a werewolf. Rogues to be exact."

  "What? No! Werewolves don't exist." The beautiful blonde-haired, blue eyes Chloe responds. 

  "I'm afraid they...we... do exist." Blake grips the girl's arm and stares at her in her eye. Making her go into a hypnotic state. "You will forget this whole incident. You were taking a stroll and went back to your destination. You had a wonderful time hiking and never saw any of this. You never met us, you were never attacked by rogues. You will get your things and leave back home." He stares at each of the girls doing the same thing to each one. Commanding them to continue on their way as if this incident had never happened. 


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