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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 43

  He brings his hands forward and leans them on Blake's shoulders. Placing a hand to his neck and looking in his eyes, smiling at him in sincerity; something in him asserts him, knowing things will be just fine. 

  "Very well. Harou should be coming back soon from his daily routine. Alarick, please have a seat with us." He gestures Blake to the table as the men remain on their feet and make way to allow him to sit.

  He slowly averts his sight from one man to the other. All smiling at him and tilting their head in reverence to his presence. 

  "Alarick, it's good to see you again sir. This place has felt isolated and sad without you and Keiran."

  "Keiran? I'm sorry I don't quite feel like I follow. Someone explain to me why you are calling me Alarick? And who the hell is Keiran?" Blake hated feeling confused. Everything they were saying was just confusing him more and more each time. Nothing made sense to him.

  The door suddenly bursts open. A lycan walks in unannounced. Blake's sudden reaction was to stand and go in attack mode. His canines exposed along with his nails on his hands elongating and eyes dark. Threatening to shift onto Xander.

  "Calm down Xander! It's just me. Nico. Let me shift back to Harou and we can sit down and talk. Ok?" 

  Nico, the name of Harou's Lycan form walks slowly inside, giving Xander the opportunity to retract and allow Blake to return. His hands slowly in front of him as he waves them slowly to allow Xander to relax.

  "Why are you here? Why is there a Lycan in this place? This better not be a fucking trap because I will make every single one of you pay for this treachery." Blake's eyes return to their honey brown, retracting his canines and nails return to normality. 


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