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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 55

  Carrie runs uphill with all her might. She fled the scene as soon as she was able to hear the whispers outside from Dylan and Alarick. Though they have great senses, they still don't match hers since she is still considered one of the moon goddesses. Even if she was thrown out of that realm.

  She runs towards her hideout in an old rugged cabin. She holds her robe and dress in her hand as she bypasses many branches and trees. Quickly as she can, she bursts to open the door and closes it harshly behind her. 

  She wears a small ring on her right ring finger. A small box in her left hand that she holds tightly. She quickly scavenges around the cabin, panting and trying to ease her heart from thumping so loud in her ears. 

  "There!" She says as she glimpses towards a loose wood on the floor. Using her magic, she lifts the wood off the floor along with many other pieces. Magically, she chants, making a pathway appear out of nowhere, creating a tunnel down to a secret room she creates with her magic. 

  Her magic is seemingly so surreal; making objects and furniture appear of thin air. She opens her robe, a few small jars she holds in a pouch. 

  She takes the small jars out, with extra of the ugly potion she had created earlier today to bring back to consciousness Harou and Candace's baby.

  She places them on the small table she creates, alongside a small cauldron and a ladle. "Ok! Let's see if I can remember this. If I can just bring that girl's body here, I can have enough blood to complete my ritual and be able to freeze Selene's stupid curse for just a few seconds. Enough for me to enter and get back home."

  She begins by puncturing the heart she holds inside the small box. "Ok, Emma! Let's see how good you will work for me shall we?" She extracts a bit of the blood and pours a few drops inside the heart of that wretched green potion.

  A few seconds later, the heart begins to pump on its own again. "Yes! It worked." She quickly places the rest of the potion down and opens the other jars. She reaches into her pocket and brings out a beautiful crystal in a white and pink glitter tint. She tosses the crystal inside the cauldron along with a few pinches of each jar; slowly, she conjures the spirit of an old witch friend. 

  "What do you want from me, Carrie?" The spirit calls out. "Can I not rest peacefully the rest of my time here? Why must you torment me with your presence?" The spirit is annoyed and irritated by her presence, but knows not to test her either. 

  "Aren't you glad to see me, darling? Now that is very ungrateful of you dear friend!" Carrie looks at her sternly and moves slowly towards the spirit.

  "Just tell me why you have summoned me? What ugly deed do you have cooking in that mind of yours this time? Don't tell me you're still trying to break Selene's curse keeping you from entering her realm?" The spirit chuckles making Carrie feel irritated. 


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