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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 67

  Damian stands before them with anger and frustration in every inch of his body. 


  He glares between everyone, unwilling to consider with their happy reunion and give way to the end of this battle.


  He made his mate a promise. And until he sees it for himself, he will not believe in any word they say. Assuring himself that the promise he made Emma has to stand. He will end Selene's life. Over and over again. Until he takes his last breath.


  Through the notion of Blake running to Selene, he dropped Selene's katana on the floor. 


  He looks over towards Blake, noticing his dagger still tucked in on his back. He recalls the night he had it made. He had gone with Him to make it. Ironically made with the same materials and magic Selene's katana was made from, plus the enchantment specially performed by a great wizard friend of theirs.


  He remembers that dagger from the last time they had this same encounter. It's easy to say that most of the time, vampires and werewolves will heal easily and will not be left with scars; but the last time they fought, Blake had cut him across his shoulder with that same dagger, and he still had a great scar to remember him by.


  He slowly grabs the katana, taking advantage that everyone has their eyes on both Blake and Selene. But Tyler stops him, making him drop it on the ground.  


  "Just what the hell do you think you doing Dylan? Remember, you and I stopped being buddies a long long time ago. So don't try and get  me to stop, because I won't think twice about ending your life as well."


  Tyler, though he can't get used to being called by his old name, softens his expression. "I may not remember everything about our friendship. But I do know I can't let you hurt my sister. I get it! I lost my mate too. It hurts a lot. But you heard them. Emma is alive! You can look for her and give yourselves a second chance to be together." 


  "I won't believe it. Why now? After thousands of years of not having her by my side, you expect me to believe she's still alive? Why? Why should I believe any of you?" Everyone's head turns to look at them. They all feel confused and turmoil by the events that have happened. 


  Rebecca comes close to them and places her hand on both of their shoulders. 


  "Enough! I've had enough of all of you fighting." She pleads with them to calm down. 


  "Damian. Harou is telling you the truth. It was Carrie all along. She was the mastermind between all that has happened to all of you. She was the one that killed Emma. And I can prove it."


  "How? How will you prove to me that Selene is innocent? You can't and you know why?" He glares angrily at Rebecca, coming so close, Rebecca takes back a step to be able to meet his eyes.


  "Because I saw her that night. I saw the blood in her hands. She stood next to Emma, there was no one there but her and Alarick with my Emma. She's going to pay, and she will keep paying for her death each time I see her again. Unlike them, Emma is gone. I will no longer be able to hold her in my arms. Alarick and her will pay for the death of my wife, one way, or another." 


Chapter 67 Bitter Soul-1 1

Chapter 67 Bitter Soul-1 2


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