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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Congratulations its a boy." the doctor whispered, clearly exhausted.

I watched closely as the nurse handed the adorable baby to Alyan, who carefully picked him up with his eyes full of tears.

The nurse then injected Marinda which would keep her asleep for the next few hours and reduce her pain a little bit.

I looked at Marinda who was now peacefully sleeping and I played the delivery in my head. I could hear her screams in my head, feel her shaking body and her pale face.

Today I understood how difficult it was to become a mom, to bring someone to this world and I was proud of every women who passed the ability to do so.

"Luna can you please come with me?, I want to give the baby a bath." the doctor asked me.

"Sure" I smiled.

We went in the washroom and put him in the sink to which he started to cry.

Oh God his cry was so cute.

I picked him up and gave him a little swing in my arms to which he calmed down a little and after that I sang him nursery rhymes while the nurse gave him a bath.

I examined his beautiful features, his brown hair, green eyes and the cute dimple. His nose matched Marinda while his lips were exactly like Alyan.

Don't take me wrong, I don't keep noticing Alyan's lips.

After cleaning the baby, we put him in the white romper which we found in the plane because this type of beautiful accidents kept happening in the past as well.

Marinda was still sleeping and Alyan was sitting beside Marinda so I took the baby into my room.

Dorian was nowhere to be seen so I placed the baby on Dorian's side and started playing with him.

First I made some funny faces at him, but he started crying on seeing them.

Was I this scary?

I heard a chuckle and snapped my eyes to see Dorian standing at the door capturing the moment with his phone.

I gave him a sheepish smile and then picked the baby, cradling him and singing him nursery rhymes which made him stop crying.

I smiled as I noticed the baby slowly falling asleep.

" You will be a good mom one day." Dorian whispered.

I blushed at the thought of me cradling my baby one day.

I hope that day is not far because I'm more than ready now.

If Marinda could do it then why not me?


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