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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Stop." I whispered.

But it was as if he didnt hear me because the next second he had nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. I felt tingles all around my body. His grip now tightened around me and his hands moved up towards my back and he made small circles on it.

I dont know what was happening to me. It was as if my body was moving on its own accord. I tried to push him away but I coudn't. Tingles were erupting all over my body and there was this weird rush of excitement that I was feeling. I didn't knew why was I letting him touch me. I didn't knew who he was, I had never met him before but it felt like I had known him from a long time.

I felt him trail his mouth over my collar bone and suddenly I felt a deep pain emerge in my body. I automatically gripped his shoulders as I tried to steady myself.

"Dorian.." I tried to whisper but I felt so weak that I coudn't even steady myself.

'Mate!' I heard a voice say in my head and the last thing I saw before I went into darkness was Dorians's panicked face.


I opened my eyes to a white ceiling as I recalled all the events. I looked around to find myself on a hospital bed with a drip attached on my wrist. I tried to get up but my body was extremely sore as if I had just done a super intesnse workout.

'Shshshh it's going to be okay.' A voice whispered in my head. It was the same voice that I had heard before. How could it be that I was hearing voices now. I had surely gone mad.

My eyes dwelled in tears and soon my mother came in my view. " Mom.... there's a voice in my head....I have gone mad.........I have become a lunat..." I sobbed.

"Shsshh dear relax, I'm gonna explain everything to you, just calm down" She told me while gently stroking my hair.

After that the doctor came and gave me some pills which eased my pain.

Now it was just me and my mom in the room. A sudden uncomfortable silence felt in the room. I could see my mom was nervous by how she was pacing around the room.

"Mom.." I started but suddenly Marinda entered inside.

"How is my bitch feeling!" She asked me while pouting just to cheer up the mood. I giggled at her and nodded my head. Marinda came and sat on the edge of my bed. My mother kept stroking my hair and Marinda held my hand tightly.

After ten minutes of continuous and extremely uncomfortable silence my mom finally decided to speak.

"Look Sydney, the thing which I'm going to tell you is something I tried to hide from you, but trust me I only did it to protect you but now it is time to tell you about who you are." She told me. My heart now raced with nervouness. I had never seen my mom so serious and nervous before.

Marinda decided to speak." Look Sydney in this world a species exist known as werewolf. They are just like humans but they can transform into their wolves. They live in packs like you see wolves in movies and the pack is led by an alpha, but the difference is just that they can transform into their human state."

My mom sighed and continued "Your father was a werewolf and son of the alpha of the Greenfield pack. He came to study in my university and we fell in love. We married secretly and I was pregnant with you when, your father met his mate and left us alone forever."

"What is a mate?" I whispered.

"Each werewolf is destinied with a mate by the moon godess. No power can separate them. When a werewolf finds his mate he needs to mark his mate and mate in order to continue the species." Marinda finished.


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