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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 16

Alexander led me to the car with unspoken words speaking so much. My body was still shaking as I sat in the car and soon we were on the way.

I rolled down the window to inhale the fresh air. The sky was turning dark orange and with in some hours night would prevail. Sometimes nature gives us peace that no one can give.

My heart was beating fast as the events of today prevailed over me. It is a wonder that so much can happen within a mere day.

"Hey Pearl." Alexander whispered reaching for my hand.

"Can you please change the atmosphere, talk about something better?" I asked him.

I knew he could do this and this was just what I needed.

I know that running away from my problems was not the best of the solutions but being an anxiety patient, I didnt want to overthink anything more than I had already thought.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Alexander asked me.


"Yes." I replied.

And then Alexander played some soft music just as I liked. Music is a pain killer and at that time it acted as an anxiety killer for me.

My muscles relaxed and my body stopped shaking.

Suddenly the world became beautiful again and I started humming the lyrics of 'my town'.

Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there

The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air

It's hard

Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round

It's funny how things never change in this old town

So far from the stars

And I want to tell you everything

The words I never got to say the first time around

And I remember everything

From when we were the children playing in this fairground

Wish I was there with you now

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you

Over and over the only truth

Everything comes back to you

We were into town. The streets were empty today particularly because what happened and even those who were there were rushing to quickly get done with their work and reach home safely.

Home. A word that seems so foreign to me now.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Alexander.

"Wait and see." he replied getting out of the car and opening the door for me.

We walked through the market, through fruit shops and bakeries and brands and whoever looked at me either turned their face away or gave me a symathetic smile.

Breathe Pearl. You don't have to think about this.

Alexander led me to a huge toy shop.

"Buy any toy you like, in both categories we would be needing a lot of them." he said.

I give him the 'why' look but I didn't get a response.

So I took all sorts of toys, both for boys and girls.

Soon we were back in the car with bags full of toys, continuing our journey.

" We are going to meet some special children, they are all wonderful except that they can't see."



"Trust me you will be amazed." he replied.


I looked at the huge concrete building, it was beautiful from the outside. It was a school. I had seen other schools in here but this one was more big.

Alexander took me inside and greeted the receptionist.

She led us to a classroom and what I saw, literally surprised me.

Children were being taught by special trainers. They were using there eyes and actions to convey messages to children.


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