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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 17

"Mom whats for dinner tonight?" I asked as I plopped on the sofa.

"Sorry sweety, date night. You would have to go with a pizza tonight." she smiled.

Her green eyes beamed with sympathy because she knew how much I loved food made by her.

"Umm Okay, I'm going to work." I said.


I open the door to my house. I had spare keys incase of date nights. The house was dark.

I opened the lights, ready to order my pizza but what I saw totally shocked me.

The whole house was beaming with family and my mothers pasta's aroma filled the house.

"Surprise!" they all shouted at my arrival.

"What for?" I asked.

Two arms engulfed me from the back.

"For being the best daughther in the world." Mom and Dad whispered.

My eyes shot open at the memory. My eyes immediately went to the IV attached to me and I knew I was in a hospital. I could feel it.

I hated hospitals.

"Hey, hey Pearl." a tender hand touched me. I looked up to see a petite blonde women sitting on the sofa near the bed.

She reminded me of my mom. This was the same way she greeted me whenever we found ourselves in hospitals because of my panic attacks.

"Who are you?" I whispered, my voice extremely dry.

"Oh I'm Fiona, ex queen of this pack plus also known as the mother of Ozymandius and Alexander." she smiled.

Such an amazing time to meet her!

"Hi, how are you?" I smiled, triying to be formal but miserably failing.

Formal was not my style.

" Oh dear, no need to be so formal, you are my daughter now. I can't tell you how excited I am to meet you." she said kissing my forehead.

After that she gave me a glass of water. We talked for some while. She said she had gone to visit her family who lived in America.

That means could I go back also?

After sometime Fiona left and Alexander came and I finally asked the question for which my mind was aching.

"When am I gonna get discharged?" I said as soon as he entered.

"Woah slow down woman, they are gonna keep you the night just to make sure you are okey." he chuckled.


"By the way I bought you a present." he smiled as he sat down on the chair beside me.

He took out a brand new phone out from his pocket.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No problem, I have put all the important numbers for you in the phone." he told me.

And then the room fell silent, it was the 'awkward silence'and I hated it.

So I spoke.

"Umm I was meaning to ask you that who accommodates the facilities of those children?" I asked.

"Oh that, Ozymandius. He brings special trainers for the children at a high rate and pays the school money from his own earning." he smiled.

"But isn't he a monster?" I blurted out.


He almost choked out.

"And why do you think so?" he asked.

"Umm because everyone is scared of him, no one looks at him in the eyes and he killed that monster?" I questioned.

"Oh my God, no pearl he is not a monster. He is an inspiration. An inspiration for all of us. He build this pack from nothing to the most powerful pack in the history of lycanthropy."


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