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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 122

122. A Rossi Baby


It’s all one big blur of pure adrenaline, we’re through the hospital doors. I’ve taken Azura to a private room which has been prepared for her for the last few weeks. It’s already got everything our baby will need.

Kiara had wanted to be the one to assist with the birth, but Azura had said she’ll be fine, and refused to allow anyone but me and Donna into the room. That had been her plan from the start, and we all had to respect that.

Her eyes are blazing silver, and not one sound escapes her as she grips my hand and pushes. She’s strong, and I can see that in the silence she holds, as she pushes when Donna instructs her.

My own heart is racing, and I can feel her emotions through the bond; she’s nervous, excited, scared, and happy. As am I…

There’s been a few times that I was tempted to know the gender over these past few months, but right now not knowing was fucking exciting.

“Oh, the pup is crowning! My, that’s a lot of hair.” Donna says. “You are doing incredibly well Luna. Now push for me.”

She grits her teeth, her nails digging into my hand as she pushes, and for the first time, a small grunt escapes her as she pushes.

“You’re fucking brave.” I whisper. I know she’s in pain… There’s no doubt about that. Her eyes are glistening with tears from it, but she’s fucking incredible.

“This is a piece of cake.” She says, glaring at me, her expression saying something miles different.

I smirk. “Oh yeah?”

“Yes.” She retorts, tugging my hand to her lips and kissing it softly despite her frustration.

“Again Luna.” Donna says. With my free hand, I caress her hair slowly, her heart is racing and there’s a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. “Keep pushing.”

“I’m trying.” Azura growls, as she pushes using all her strength. “Ah Fuck!”

My stomach twists and I look at Donna. “Is she ok?”

“Yes, Alpha, this is the pushing stage. She’s almost there.” Donna replies.

We’d been here for only an hour, but she was already pretty dilated when we came in.

Donna had been surprised she was still at home with how strong her contractions are.

“You’re carrying the next one.” She growls at me, her silver eyes on me and I cock a brow. Although I want to tell her that isn’t actually possible, I don’t think now’s the time for snarky replies, although the temptation to tease her is real. 1

“We won’t have another one.” I say instead, trying to soothe her.

That doesn’t work, and she swats my hand away.

“Why not?” She hisses.

“Because you know the anatomy of human bodies? I can’t carry one and-”

“I’m not fucking stupid!” She snaps, “I know that! You are so annoying!” 1

I smirk. “It’s ok to vent.”

“Stop fucking antagonising me!” She growls and I see Donna hiding a smile.

“Sorry Baby Girl.” I say softly, hiding my smile, instead leaning down, I kiss her forehead softly, wishing I could take away her pain.

Her hand tightens on mine as she holds it to her thumping chest. I move back slowly, and our eyes meet. Hers return to their gorgeous blue.

“You know I still love you, just let me be angry…” She whispers, but it ends in a strong push and gasp. 1

“I know. Unleash hell if you want, my Sexy Little Psycho.” I reply with a small smile, giving her strength and calmness through the bond.

“Keep going Luna, the head’s almost out! You got this!” Donna says, pushing Azura’s knees wider. I reach down, placing my hand on top of the thin sheet that covers her midriff, and pulling her thigh back gently, helping her a little as her head lifts from the pillow and she pushes with all her might.

The thundering of her heart, the beeping of the machine next to her, and the sounds of her struggle as she births our child increase and for a moment, it feels like everything slows down.

Giving birth. It’s an incredible thing… Men may be the Alphas, but women are the fucking Goddess’s. 7

“One more push Luna!”

I snap back to the present at her words, and I lean down kissing Azura’s hand, which has mine pinned to her chest. Her face is scrunched as she pushes, and her eyes fly open as she gasps, and her head falls back onto the pillow.

Our baby’s cry fills the room, making my heart thud and I feel the aura of a strong Alpha.

A boy. 3

“Goddess…” Donna says, she looks at our child, in awe and confusion.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, my stomach twisting in fear.

She shakes her head slowly. “The aura… it’s incredible… an Alpha…” I turn to see her holding our baby, a huge smile on her face. ” However, it’s a girl.” 16

I can’t help but smile as she quickly wipes our pup, and brings her over to Azura, who unzips her top, allowing Donna to place our pup against her chest. “A girl…” Azura says as she kisses the top of our pup’s head.

“An Alpha female isn’t something unheard of,” I say, looking down at the pup in her arms as I bend down, kissing Azura’s forehead softly before she looks up and I kiss her lips. “Thank you.” I say quietly, before I place my lips against my little one’s head.

“Like Alpha Scarlett Westwood herself.” Donna says softly. 5

“Yes.” Azura says.

I kiss our baby softly, caressing her face. Her scent is soft and gentle, and I feel an incredible storm of emotions.

An Alpha female… the fact her aura awakened from birth shows that she’ll be as strong as her cousins. Stronger probably than the first Alpha female… her grandmother.

The little one tilts her head slightly, and our eyes meet. They are dark blue-grey, eyes that I know will change as she grows, and I can’t help but smile at the confidence of our little one as she looks around. 4

“Would you like to cut the cord, Alpha?” Donna asks.

I nod, knowing how this is done, since I had planned to do so. I take the scissors, and she attaches the clip at the end, and I snip the strong cord off.

“Just the Placenta to go Luna.” Donna says, “You’re ready to deliver it,”

Azura nods before she turns to me. “Want to carry her?”

“Is that even a question?” I ask. She smiles, cuddling our child and kissing her head softly as Donna places a thin blanket around her. Azura holds her out to me. I take her slowly. She’s tiny, sure she’s big for a newborn, and she’s chubby as a plushie, but she’s tiny in my hands… 1

I lift her carefully, she’s really the most precious little thing… Adjusting the blanket around her, I hold her close.

“Hey, little one.” I say, kissing her cheek. 1

She yawns, and the way she moves her mouth shows she’s hungry.

You’ll get some milk soon.

‘We’re blessed to share that Azura has given birth to a gorgeous little baby girl.’ I say through the link to all of the Sangue Pack members. All those who didn’t have their block up and were within the pack would hear, and soon, an influx of congratulations came back.


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