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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire novel Chapter 123

123. Sibling Love


The week passed by in a blur, the struggle between feeding, trying to sleep and visitors has been intense. Although everyone helped, she constantly wants milk and I’m the only one who can give her that.

Liam, Kiara, and their families had come down too, Raihana and Rayhan and their families also visited. It was a pleasant time, albeit tiring. It was still very lively. Then there were all the pack members wanting to see the Alpha’s child. It was sweet to see the love and excitement they had at her birth.

At times I would sneak in naps, but it’s never enough when you have a little pup to take care of. Mama stayed on for a week and she’s still here, and Winona is really helpful too, although she and Marcel still avoid each other. I even notice Mama observing them, but she not once says anything. Back to this little hungry monster. I’m expressing a lot more now so I can sleep whilst someone else can feed Phoenix. 2

“Mommy, I think Phoenix is hungry.”

Corrado whispers as he peers into the Moses basket where she is sucking on her hand, fast asleep.

I smile and pull him onto my lap. “Trust me, she’s not,” I say, kissing his cheek. “She’s drunk a lot, but she’s just a Little Greedy Goblin.”

He giggles. “Not a Greedy Goblin Mommy. She is a princess who needs to drink lots of milk, so she gets big quickly, so I can play with her.” He states protectively. 6

“She will be big before you know it.” I say, hugging him tightly, remembering his reaction when he walked into the hospital room… 6


The sun is shining through the window of the hospital room. Phoenix is fast asleep in the cot and I realise Leo isn’t here. He did say he was going to go home to shower and bring Corrado back with him.

I sit up, feeling much better, and look at the time. Just past 8am…. I stretch, deciding to take the chance to have a shower.

After taking a shower I return to the room. when Phoenix begins stirring and so I decide to feed her before she starts screaming.

It’s incredible how much love you can have for a child. It’s a strength in itself… I caress her cheek, smiling down at her. Mama had bathed her last night; she had looked in awe at Phoenix as she carried her. It will be a special connection that they have between them.

I finish feeding and burping her, before changing her nappy. I’m just buttoning up her onesie as she sucks on her hands, staring at me when the hospital door slides open and Leo is standing there holding

Corrado’s hand. He’s clutching a cluster of helium balloons and a teddy. His little heart beats loudly as he stares with wide eyes at the bed, it takes him a moment to look from me to the moving bundle on the bed and his lips turn downwards. 1

“Mommy…” He says as Leo brings him over to the bed.

My own smile fades, replaced by the concern at the tears in his eyes that he’s desperately fighting.

“Oh my Cherub, what’s wrong?” I ask, reaching down for him.

‘He was incredibly happy on our way here.’ Leo says.

I lift him onto the bed beside me and he clings to me tightly, but he doesn’t reply as he stares at Phoenix. Leo takes the teddy bear and balloons from him, placing them aside.

“Hey Kiddo, look, it’s your baby sister.” Leo says scooping Phoenix up tenderly and kissing her.

She looks so tiny in his hands, but seeing them together is unexplainably overwhelming in a good way… He holds her out to Corrado, who looks up at me.

“Can I carry her?” He asks in a hushed whisper, making me feel all teary.

“Oh baby, of course, you can!” I say, shuffling over and placing him between my legs. I kiss his forehead softly and give him a tight hug. “She’s been so excited for you to come and see her.”

“She has?” He whispers emotionally. I nod as he holds his arms out.

“Of course.”

Leo places her in his arms. “She’s so small.” Corrado whispers, kissing her forehead softly, his little body shaking as he’s unable to stop his tears. “She’s so cute Mommy.”

He sobs, overwhelmed with emotions. 2

I cradle him tenderly. “Just like her brother.” I say gently.

“I’m so, so happy.” Corrado sobs, and I kiss him gently. I look up when I hear the click of the camera. Leo has just taken a photo of us on his phone. 1

“Think I found the perfect lock screen photo.” He says quietly. ‘Now I just need you naked on a bed for my unlocked screen.’

My stomach flutters, and as if realising what I want, he sits opposite us and reaching over, kisses me softly before he moves back and we turn our attention back to the precious moment between the two siblings.

Corrado is crying softly as he looks at her adoringly. I brush his hair back, wiping his tears. “I will always take care of her.” He promises. (6

“I know you will.” I say softly.

We fall silent, letting him enjoy this moment as Phoenix stares up at him, still sucking on her hand. I slowly reach over, moving her hand away and making her grip on his finger. She looks at him with those gorgeous eyes of hers and Corrado gasps, kissing her hand.

“Thank you, Mommy, for giving me a sister … I love you, and Daddy and Phoenix.” He says, his voice breaking as he sobs. I hug him tightly and Leo slowly takes Phoenix from him.

“We love you too, my Little Cherub.” I reply, hugging him tightly.


“Yes, I can’t wait.” He says, simply sitting there and watching her with admiration.

I glance out through the lounge window. The weather is rather nice today, although it is still cloudy. The lounge door opens, and Leo enters along with someone I wasn’t expecting.

“Hi.” Nikki says as she looks over at us.

“Hi.” I reply. They are standing a foot and a half apart, but I can’t deny there is still that flare of jealousy at seeing them side by side. even if I know Leo is over her.

“Why is Nikki here?” Corrado asks, looking at Leo suspiciously. Clearly unhappy to see them together. 1


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